Fortnum & Mason -
September 14, 2019 -
October 25, 2019 -
Spent the weekend at Cheeseburn Sculpture Gardens, Northumberland and had the opportunity to show some of my experiments with light responsive materials. Sunlight and breeze…fantastic effects as the materials moved and projected a play of ever-changing light and colour. Over […]
People do ask me occasionally about collaborations, as I’ve done a few. Some successful, some not. And I can’t really, even after all this, tell you how to spot a potentially good one, because you don’t know until you actually […]
With works by Yoko Ono, Tania Bruguera and the American film director David Lynch, the visual arts strand of this biennial festival’s eighth edition is varied and ambitious. Fisun Güner reports.
Everyday is a workday. Working on something ubiquitous as dialogue, and being attuned to thinking about everyday dialogue, means that everyday is the potential for a ‘work day’: Constantly thinking, learning and ‘working’. Working: to do; productive or operative […]
This blog will follow some thoughts, conversations and experiments between performance and video
This heading is the one which seems to sum up the process. I am making something new out of other things. Every item we have is made of other things. The clothes I am wearing are made of natural or […]
I started a comment to Elena’s blog and then realised I’d morphed into a new blog post on my own blog. So transferred here. BUT PLEASE READ ELENA”S THREADS BLOG FIRST before you read this comment. It’s a good blog […]
I have a collection of postcards built up over many years, of pictures which interest me. So I sort through them and pick out ones that seem connected to the embryonic ideas floating around my mind. Then I look at […]
I attended the Sculpture as Fieldwork conference at Leeds Art Gallery yesterday (Manchester School of Art / University of Huddersfield / Henry Moore Institute collaboration). The first speaker was Holly Corfield Carr who is interested in caves and writing in […]
for many years, I photograph each piece carefully so I have a record of it. The detachment of this process also helps me to think of them as objects and to consider which will be best suited to the ideas […]
I also spend time thinking about how to break them up. Grinding up ceramic had seemed a relatively simple proposition. Breaking up pieces of metal presents more of a challenge to someone with a primary practice of performance and photography.
So here are my artefacts, from which I have committed to make a new piece of work, by breaking them up to use as raw material. I read the letter to the artists that came with them and am a […]
Small Town Inertia by J A Mortram inspires hope at the Workers Gallery
Yesterday bad weather suspended the dig. Today I am sitting in the Art Hut waiting for the rain to stop. Even if I could stand the wind, the paper in my sketchbook will suffer in the rain. There is a […]
.brush they air the like light are and curling fingers – hair my of out cobwebs clearing like ,backwards hands my throw I Unsettling .neck her of back the on up stand hairs the and spine her down trickle Shivers […]
So I open my parcel, in some trepidation. I am very excited. It’s come all that way! What’s it going to be? It’s Priority Mail, very well wrapped and I can’t get in. There’s a letter to the artist, which […]
A dialogue with artist-writer Emma Cocker. Also as a spectator. She talked about leaning as sometimes a hard thing to do, especially for women. To be independent is to be strong, as good desirable and dependent as weak. But to […]
During July I’ll be concluding my AA2A residency at York St John University with three weeks in a big space to make new work alongside fellow AA2A artist Sue Mann.