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Jackson art school etching press

Has anyone used a FOME School Etching Press (31 cm width roller, total weight 8.5K), as supplied by Jackson Art Supplies? How are the results? Is this press good value or is it worth saving for a heavier one?

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Blog Post

Dance 4 Nottingham

arriving into this beautiful studio at Dance 4 iC4C [international Centre for Choreography] in Nottingham for my 2 week residency allowing the three starting points / working concepts tilt, rhythm and back to circulate around and bounce off each other thinking they […]

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Blog Post

First day back on site

This year’s residency is for the whole eight weeks of the dig. I am now thoroughly integrated into the workforce as an artist, and the archaeologists know what I’m trying to achieve. My aim for this season is to continue […]

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Blog Post

Are you an extrovert or introvert protestor?

Over many years I’ve been considering through my practice what part art can play in contributing to positive social change. Alongside this question, I have also been asking what forms activism takes. Traditionally activism is outward, energetic. At the public […]

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Blog Post


Tonight is the July edition of Art Lab! I’ve so far shied away from putting myself on the bill but I thought I’d like to have a group disucssion about dialogue-as-subject in arts practice after the two other presenters and […]

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On Friday night I performed a brand new piece recycling old ideas/work in a mash up with new ideas about dialogue. I usually prefer scripted public presentations/performances as I struggle with nerves on stage but this one was a bit […]

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News News story

Now Showing #301: The week’s top exhibitions

This week’s recommended shows include a major festival of international sculpture across four venues in Yorkshire, an exhibition in Manchester of work by 17 artists inspired by a 1932 mass trespass, and in London a powerful painting show by three generation-spanning black female artists.

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Blog Post

Modern Nature

Listened to final installment of Derek Jarman‘s Modern Nature – Radio 4’s book of the (last) week.  I was struck by how it ‘just ended’ – no conclusion, no resolution, no signing off … but of course that is exactly […]

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Blog Post

A couple more chemo day drawings

The folds, crumples and tears in the paper are an intrinsic part of this work in which the paper can be seen as a reflection of the fragility of the body.

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Blog Post

A Moment of Pause…

A moment of pause… You take a deep breath before diving in… Check you’re in gear before letting out the clutch… A brief perch on the edge of the sofa… A weekend… The rainy Tuesday when plans go awry… Sit […]

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Blog Post


On Wednesday I presented at my recent collaborator on YVAN/Corridor publication Resilience is Futile‘s Smizz’s event Phuckuppery 2 at Sheffield Hallam University. Smizz invited me to talk about failure and I honed in on mental health in the arts as […]

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Blog Artist

Water, Fire, Wood, Metal

These latest ceramic pieces are inspired by my fascination for the elements- Wind, water, fire… I am a huge fan of Chinese healing medicine, taoism and the shamanic practice of ancient China. They share the same principles. That are the […]

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Blog Post


This evening I’m performaing at the Fire & Water Scratch Club with a brand  new piece exploring dialogue, discarded materials and words. It’s unscripted and loosely based on the above drawing I made circa 2004 and long been my profile image […]

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Blog Post


I met with Compass Live Art Co-director Peter Reed and artist in residence Joshua Sofaer. Joshua and I talked about our practices and my interests and intial ideas for this project. Joshua gave me a fantastic reading list  through our […]

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Blog Artist


Compass Live Art Artist Development Blog logging daily learning, thoughts and exchanges

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