Page 346 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Resource Profile

Artist-led: Jane Simpson, artist and programmer of Assembly Swansea

Artist Jane Simpson, who runs Swansea gallery GS Artists, describes the challenge of maintaining relevance as an artist-led initiative and her optimism for the future. In a video interview recorded at a-n’s Assembly Swansea event in May 2019, which was programmed in collaboration with Simpson and explored the difficulties and advantages of running artist-led projects in the city.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Thomas Goddard, artist, Cardiff

With a background in gallery education and working with communities, and in research, Cardiff-based artist Thomas Goddard introduces his practice and describes the necessity and benefits of working with other people.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: John Byrne, Arte Útil

John Byrne introduces the aims of Arte Util, an international body that promotes ways for art to work effectively in ordinary life. Recorded at a-n’s Assembly Swansea event in May 2019.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Tendency Towards, artist-run initiative in Aberdeen

Members of Aberdeen artist-led project Tendency Towards – Yvette Bathgate, Jessica Barrie and Jake Shepherd – describe the challenges and opportunities of working in a place that “people pass through on their way somewhere else”. Includes a video interview recorded at a-n’s Assembly Swansea event in May 2019.

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Blog Post

Sarah Roach

How could one translate silence into imagery? We all might have an initial idea of what a “loud” image is: something with exaggerated bright colours maybe, “screaming” at the viewer. But what is it that makes a picture silent? And […]

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Blog Post

The Society for Life After Soil 

In the wake of climate change may we utilise perfumery as a means of preserving vulnerable botanical specimens, subverting our expectations of perfumery and re-positioning it as a tool for preservation in the process? That’s what my latest range of […]

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News News story

Now Showing #300: The week’s top exhibitions

A selection of recommended shows, including: an exploration of gender identity at the Hayward Gallery, London; a group drawing exhibition at Glynn Vivian, Swansea; plus six artists capturing unsettling moments of change at g39 in Cardiff.

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Blog Post

Pythagoras, Plumbs, Postcrete and Post-Nominals

I am now officially a “Chartered Engineer”. As somebody who has a strong interest in ritual I was rather disappointed that absolutely no ritual accompanied this change in social status. Except that I now have a certificate to hang on […]

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Blog Post


To continue exploring my love of ceramic shards for this a-n bursary project I proposed a day-long conversation and research session with Danny Callaghan and other members of Ceramic City Stories, a group of local ceramics enthusiasts that seek to […]

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Blog Post

B.E.A.T. – Beaudesert Eco Arts Trail

So, we have a title. Our first meeting with directors and staff who will be involved in BEAT was held yesterday. We applied to Cannock Chase AONB to run a pilot project where we take people with enduring mental health […]

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Blog Post

Artists making Spaces…

Yesterday’s trip to Leeds with the Fruit Factory Network had, for me, an overarching theme: Artists making spaces East Street Arts, make spaces happen for artists to work, live and engage with communities in. Their inclusive, can-do attitude pervaded the […]

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Blog Post

back to …

Preparing to travel to Dance4 next weekend and looking forward to having the time-space-support to work alone in the studio on a series of dance studies and drawing experiments, as well as work with some new collaborators, be in dialogue […]

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