Loewe Foundation Craft Prize 2019: winning work praised for its “new sculptural vision”
Japanese artist Genta Ishizuka wins the €50,000 prize while two UK-based artists receive special mentions.
Japanese artist Genta Ishizuka wins the €50,000 prize while two UK-based artists receive special mentions.
Artist Jane Simpson, who runs Swansea gallery GS Artists, describes the challenge of maintaining relevance as an artist-led initiative and her optimism for the future. In a video interview recorded at a-n’s Assembly Swansea event in May 2019, which was programmed in collaboration with Simpson and explored the difficulties and advantages of running artist-led projects in the city.
With a background in gallery education and working with communities, and in research, Cardiff-based artist Thomas Goddard introduces his practice and describes the necessity and benefits of working with other people.
Artists Jason & Becky introduce their socially-engaged practice, outline the advantages of working together, and discuss their PhD research which focuses on collaborative practice.
John Byrne introduces the aims of Arte Util, an international body that promotes ways for art to work effectively in ordinary life. Recorded at a-n’s Assembly Swansea event in May 2019.
Roger Lougher shares his experience of running artist-led project Rhôd in rural Carmarthenshire. Recorded at a-n’s Assembly Swansea event in May 2019.
Karen Mackinnon, curator at Swansea’s Glynn Vivian Gallery, introduces her work and talks about the importance of art having a social purpose. Includes a video interview recorded at a-n’s Assembly Swansea event in May 2019.
Members of Aberdeen artist-led project Tendency Towards – Yvette Bathgate, Jessica Barrie and Jake Shepherd – describe the challenges and opportunities of working in a place that “people pass through on their way somewhere else”. Includes a video interview recorded at a-n’s Assembly Swansea event in May 2019.
Swansea-based artist Owen Griffiths introduces his socially-engaged practice in a video interview recorded at a-n’s Assembly Swansea event in May 2019.
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As you enter the field from the south end, you pass the dump. On Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s it’s closed and this is often, conveniently one of the days I find I have a bit more time to explore. As you […]
A selection of recommended shows, including: an exploration of gender identity at the Hayward Gallery, London; a group drawing exhibition at Glynn Vivian, Swansea; plus six artists capturing unsettling moments of change at g39 in Cardiff.
I am now officially a “Chartered Engineer”. As somebody who has a strong interest in ritual I was rather disappointed that absolutely no ritual accompanied this change in social status. Except that I now have a certificate to hang on […]
To continue exploring my love of ceramic shards for this a-n bursary project I proposed a day-long conversation and research session with Danny Callaghan and other members of Ceramic City Stories, a group of local ceramics enthusiasts that seek to […]
As a teaching artist, I am always looks for ways to improve the quality of their drawing and painting skills, as well as their well-being.
So, we have a title. Our first meeting with directors and staff who will be involved in BEAT was held yesterday. We applied to Cannock Chase AONB to run a pilot project where we take people with enduring mental health […]
Yesterday’s trip to Leeds with the Fruit Factory Network had, for me, an overarching theme: Artists making spaces East Street Arts, make spaces happen for artists to work, live and engage with communities in. Their inclusive, can-do attitude pervaded the […]
Preparing to travel to Dance4 next weekend and looking forward to having the time-space-support to work alone in the studio on a series of dance studies and drawing experiments, as well as work with some new collaborators, be in dialogue […]
2 week R&D residency at the international Centre for Choreography, Dance4, Nottingham 1-14 July. Supported by A-N-Bursaries.