oin Artist @dyslxicRant & FruitCake Creatives for a summer solstice midnight stroll along the river for Tales of the Thames – giver of life to London @DyslxicRant makes art to open up your heart, initiating free public walks using psychogeography […]
We are all driven by our circumstances… We might use blue paint because we have run out of red. We might use cereal boxes because we have run out of paper. We cut up old clothes that don’t fit us […]
To read this post visit: https://www.dominiquedelight.co.uk/creating-space-in-your-life My monthly blog is now based on my website – come and check it out and sign up for free tips on ways to improve your life! Happy creating! Dominique www.dominiquedelight.co.uk Linked In: dominique-de-light […]
There has been a conflict this week between my home life and university life. I had to miss a really exciting workshop, the decision was a hard one but I needed a day of stopping, I was exhausted after a […]
After a long wait and resubmission, we have got funding to run an arts project using the outdoors for inspiration, I actually have no information other than a quick WhatsApp message to say this. Meeting next weekend to discuss further […]
This week’s selection includes exhibitions and events in London, Kent, Bristol, Plymouth and Newcastle upon Tyne – all taken from a-n’s busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by members.
Dean and I met in Bruton for a two day alchemical workshop with Jungian analyst Catherine Bygott. Our sessions with Catherine seem to have been building to this point and it was a highly charged, emotional and influential time. As […]
I’ve been heavily involved in a Living Wage campaign in London over the past 5 years and wrote an article on the impact of low pay to the creative industries a little while back. Keen to reach a relevant audience […]
I am looking forward to discussing Return To Ritherdon and my experience of my residency at the factory so far to contribute to two round-table discussions at The national festival of Making this weekend.
The first will be […]
An artist friend of mine spent Christmas in Bangkok. They wrote to me saying: “I could not get over the tension and apocalyptic nature of the street experience I have been sensing in Asia. I started to break down the […]
Images by Ligia the Ritherdon Marketing overlord. Friday is usually a half day at Ritherdon, so Matt and I put our surprisingly refined ‘unorthodox’ approach to powder coating to the test last Friday on 5 large panels destined for […]
Degree shows’ season continues with a raft of new openings this week across the UK, from Aberdeen in north east Scotland to Rochester, Kent.
a-n’s Julie Lomax kicked off a busy few days of Instagram degree shows posting following her visit to the University of Bolton Creative Show 2019. Lomax officially opened the show ahead of a “really enjoyable” evening speaking to the graduating […]
It’s all Bs this week for our Instagram degree shows coverage with posts from a-n CEO Julie Lomax at the University of Bolton show, plus Trevor H.Smith at Bath School of Art and Design and UWE Bristol.
I guess there was a certain amount of beginner’s luck with my first ever cyanotype made from a quick and rough drawing on acetate last week. The fact that it was raining and there wasn’t much sun was maybe a […]
Reading today about the case of Ivan Golunov, the investigative journalist who was falsely arrested (and has now, remarkably, been released and cleared of all charges), I find out that in Russia only single-picket protest is allowed. Imagine that. No […]
A member of the influential Blk Art Group in the 1980s, Claudette Johnson’s exhibition ‘I Came To Dance’ at Modern Art Oxford features 30 works on paper by the artist, spanning four decades from the ’80s to the present day. Fisun Güner discusses her work then and now.
My next Perfume as Practice solo exhibition opens at Asylum Gallery, Wolverhampton, on 15th June, with the Private view at 6-9pm. As you may know, I theme my Perfume as Practice exhibitions around specific themes. Doing so allows me to […]