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Blog Post

Perfumer of the People

My next Perfume as Practice solo exhibition opens at Asylum Gallery, Wolverhampton, on 15th June, with the Private view at 6-9pm. As you may know, I theme my Perfume as Practice exhibitions around specific themes. Doing so allows me to […]

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Blog Post


Every now and then the generous people at Martyr’s Gallery in Lewes offer an opportunity for an artist to take over their space for one of those very special, no-expectations, no-strings-attached developmental residencies. Their version of this amazing gift is […]

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Blog Post

on site

been on site today, really enjoyed myself – been a week since i was last on site – loads of new things to look at. from a bus ride over the derwent i could see how the italian mill’s front […]

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I am collaborating with another artist, under my own brand, on a new product. I would be really grateful for advice on suitable types of partnership agreement, and issues such as intellectual property with regards to the joint work. Thanks!

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Five crazy, mad, sad, Artists

“ We owe the invention of the arts to deranged imaginations” wrote the essayist Saint Evermond in the seventeenth century” Breakfast at Sotheby’s -Phillip Hook 2018 Do you have to be deranged to be an Artist? I don’t think so […]

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Blog Post

Exploring ideas for a hygromorphic screen

In the studio this week, exploring potential structures for a responsive screen. Combining a responsive layer with a coloured glass layer adds exciting potential for amazing, changing colour projections.

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Blog Post

New Views from ICU

For the past few months I have worked with critical care patients at James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough seeking to positively change their experience of these clinical spaces. Bringing changing light, colour, projected imagery and sound, I have enabled patients […]

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News News story

Now Showing #298: The week’s top exhibitions

A selection of recommended shows, including: Natalia Goncharova at Tate Modern, Larry Achiampong and David Blandy at Copperfield, London, plus a group show of contemporary work exploring the practices of women artists, designers and writers of the 1920s and ’30s.

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Blog Post

Thought and Memory – Delia Salter

Working with black Icelandic sheeps’ wool, I completed a couple of pieces of work about Thought and Memory while at the residency in Blönduós (referencing Odin’s two ravens Hugin and Munin). The larger piece is made up of two separately […]

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