ahead of the forthcoming arts and heritage group meeting, i’d like to share with you so reflections about work done recently. back in april i was finding my feet being on site at the silk mill and beginning the […]
In true Archimedes style, my eureka moment occurred in the bath. I was listening to the BBC podcast ‘The Boring Talks’, episode 24, which was entitled ‘The Taxonomy Of Cornflakes’ and was delivered by artist Anne Griffiths. As Griffiths described […]
A Woman’s Place (semiotics of the domestic) became a celebration of a female presence among International artists to form dialogues and expand practices employing collaborative exchanges. The performance became an enduring display of women surrounded and embracing metal (iron) and object […]
Progressing with my columnar forms inspired by the basalt rocks they continue to evolve. Motivated by the sensations from the colours and textures I experienced walking amongst the rocks I made some knitted samples. I decided the reverse side seemed […]
“Don’t follow trends, they’ll be over before the show opens.” That’s the advice from independent curator Lucy Day to students preparing for their degree shows. Day is one of five visual art professionals quoted in our What makes a great degree […]
With the a-n Degree Shows Guide 2019 published, over the next two months we’ll be providing a weekly pick of new degree shows, selected from our online listings. This week features final-year shows in London, Kingston, Glasgow and Liverpool.
The Norse god Odin has two pet ravens, Hugin and Munin. He sends them out each morning to fly around the world and gather news. When they return they sit on his shoulders and tell him all they have seen […]
Over the past few months I have worked with staff and patients in critical care, changing the environment with light, colour and projected imagery. One patient I met, and have worked with closely, was admitted in June 2018 and has […]
This is the first contribution to this blog by Dean Melbourne. As the project is collaborative it seemed to make sense that one blog would better reflect the tone of experiences as opposed to the repetition of two very similar […]
I have been looking at the work of Austrian avant-garde artist Renate Bertlmann for the last year and I recently visited the Austrian Pavillion in the Venice Biennale, where her work was exhibited. Bertlmann’s work consists of female figures who grapple […]
Curated by Hayward Gallery director Ralph Rugoff, the International Exhibition at the 58th Venice Biennale features work by 74 artists across the two sites at the Giardini and Arsenale. Jack Hutchinson reports.
Maybe I was always going to be a songwriter, but it took me 50 years to actually get round to it? And maybe I was always going to be a lyricist? I love words, the way they feel in my […]
A selection of recommended shows, including: Monster Chetwynd at Eastside Projects, Birmingham, Morgan Quaintance at LUX, London, plus a Cory Arcangel survey at Firstsite, Colchester.
Looking around the studios at Textilsetur here in Iceland, traces left behind by textile artists who have passed through the place over the years peep out at you wherever you look. From every, shelf and drawer, tumble discarded and leftover […]
Astound 2019 – Contemporary Art Exhibition – 10th Anniversary
Nicholson Art Gallery – Stockwell Street Leek
1st to 22nd June
Open 10am – 3.45pm, Monday to Saturday – Free entry
We were at Sheffield Railway Station with our partner Penistone Line Partnership on Wednesday 15th May for Community Rail in the City 2019 The event was promoting the work of the local community rail partnerships and we had some copies […]
DAY 1 I collect keys to the project space. I look around. the empty project space seems somehow frightening. DAY 2 I pack a bag with “art materials” big enough to carry by foot. I walk to Limbo project space. […]