Page 359 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Folding Glass

For the second part of my professional development award I am on a course with Australian glass artist, Kirstie Rea, at the studio of artist Silvia Levenson near Milan. The participants on the course are artists who come from all […]

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Blog Post

2nd Dover print club session

Had a fabulous morning in the studio today running the 2nd print club session. Things are starting to work as I wanted with really constructive peer-to-peer advice for those involved and lots of experimentation. Wonderful morning spent remembering that sometimes […]

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Blog Post

Discovering Kelp and Felt – Annette Mills

Working with new materials and learning new skills. The kelp discovered on the beaches of Kálfshamarsvík, with the blackened, elongated stem-like structures known as stipes and the holdfasts (root-like structures which  anchor the kelp to the substrate of the ocean), […]

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Blog Post

Basalt Rock Response – Tara Kennedy

Inspired by the basalt columns in Kálfshamarsvík I designed various columnar structures thinking about the concept of a pile of angled forms. I wanted to use Icelandic materials so started to wash some of the sheep fleece available to us. […]

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Blog Post

power of the word

lately there has been something that i have experienced that has left me unhappy, demotivated and disappointed. finding a way through this unhappy phase came in an unexpected way this morning – poetry. composing it out loud in the kitchen […]

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Blog Post

Residency Mid-point – Delia Salter

There is a timelessness here at what seems like the edge of the world, daylight from about 3am to nearly midnight and barely any darker in the hours of ‘night’. Yesterday, waking to watch the sunrise from my window I […]

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Blog Artist

I am Playing.

An introduction to ‘I am Playing’ – two playful research trips funded by a-n Artist Bursaries 2019.
By Elena Brake

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DSG Feature

What makes a great degree show?: Magnus Quaife

“Not simply mirroring their tutors’ thinking” Primarily it is the students and of course the work that they exhibit. Everything they learn up to that point filters in to the level of ambition and the quality of the work made. […]

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DSG Feature

What makes a great degree show?: Stephen Paige

“The work should not attempt to be a complete answer, how can it be?” Degree shows are always a tricky balance for the soon to be graduate student and burgeoning artist. They operate as multiple mini solo shows clumped together, […]

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