More news in brief: Trevor Paglen’s Orbital Reflector sculpture fails to deploy due to ‘government shutdown’, Photo London cancels partnership with Brunei’s Dorchester Collection after protests, plus Nigel Prince appointed director and chief curator of Artes Mundi.
This week’s selection includes exhibitions and events in Bournemouth, London, Bristol, Great Malvern in Worcestershire and Venice – all taken from a-n’s Events section featuring shows and events posted by members.
SUNDAY 7 APRIL 2019 Sunday felt like a bit of a blur? The focus of the day was reflecting on who we are as artist-activists (Artivists) and what we need to get to where we want to be. Back at […]
SATURDAY 6 APRIL 2019 Rocked up to Artlink, one of my favourite arts spaces in Hull. The morning was quite heavy, but I really enjoyed it. Vikkie showed a Powerpoint explaining all about the City of Culture (C0C) in Hull […]
I’m writing this a LOT later on than I would have preferred – the second UNION weekend was pretty much a whole month ago now. Saying that, I’m trying to purposefully allow time in between <insert the something here> and […]
Nos 10 and 11. I’ve had a great comment on these from an artist I respect: I seldom see work on paper that has the immediacy of what you’re doing now. Feel quite pleased about that!
Hoping to provide A4 illustration/painting for a publisher to use in online promotions. I have no point of reference as I haven’t worked for a client in this way before. Plan to offer a licence for use but clueless on […]
Hoping to provide A4 illustration/painting for a publisher to use in online promotions. I have no point of reference as I haven’t worked for a client in this way before. Plan to offer a licence for use but clueless on […]
I’m being pushed off a cliff edge. See this blog. Desperately trying to get help, but still getting the same passive aggressive “take care” from CAB volunteers who can’t actually help prevent financial abuse, and to which I reply that […]
Selected by artists Rana Begum, Sonia Boyce and Ben Rivers, the open submission exhibition will launch at Leeds Art Gallery in September before moving to South London Gallery.
I have lost one artist from the studio so decided to experiment with a new print club in the studio – not for etching or anything like that, mainly monotypes, some small scale screen printing, lino prints and so on…. […]
My Artists Practising Well research report, published on the the Robert Gordon University Open Air research repository, is now available to read and download. The research is focused on affective support for creative practitioners working in participatory arts for health […]
This year’s just-published guide includes details of degree shows across the UK, an extensive interview with London-based artist Larry Achiampong – a graduate of the University of Westminster and Slade School of Fine Art – plus insights from graduating students, […]