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Charcoal drawings of a hyacinth from Sainsbury’s in a paper pot . I feel so happy doing this, it feels more right than anything else in years. Plus a photo of my ‘studio’ space.

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DSG Feature

Class of 2019: Olivia Jones

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Plymouth College of Art “As my course has progressed my work has become more ambitious. I’ve been encouraged to push myself, to experiment with scale and use more challenging mediums. One of the reasons I chose […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2019: Gary Mitchell

BA (Hons) Fine Art Painting, University Centre St Helens “At the start of my course my paintings tended to be exact imitations of the photographs from which I worked, and my reasons for painting them were superficial. I was too […]

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Blog Post

The Unexpected

  It’s been a busy month and I’ve struggled to get to my studio. Thankfully this week, it’s getting back to normal. The good news is that I had something to be getting on with straightway so it was right […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2019: Evie Morris

BA (Hons) Fine Art, University of Gloucestershire “In my first year I was introduced to etching and printmaking, which have given me a new visual language and allow me to spend time in the process of making. I have developed […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2019: Emily Gardner

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Warwickshire College “When I started the course I really had no idea about where my work would go or what I wanted to do. I began by simply discussing ideas about art and the viewer, using […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2019: Parham Salimy

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Manchester School of Art “When I arrived at Manchester School of Art I had a very commercial and narrow understanding of what an artist does, but the tutors, artist talks and programme here taught me alternative […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2019: Jacob Hoffman

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen “Since my first year I have developed a much clearer understanding of my interests and the sort of work I want to make. Looking back on the last three and a […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2019: Felicity Beaumont

BA (Hons) Fine Art, University of Suffolk “During my time at university my painting practice has developed enormously. Initially result-based and focused on representational works, now there’s an incredible interest in process, materiality and the in-depth exploration of a subject […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2019: Jessie Davies

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Hull School of Art and Design “My work has become more complex, multi-layered and informed. Experimentation and risk taking have improved my skills. I have a much greater understanding of critical/analytical perspectives in visual culture which […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2019: Aidan Stephen

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Edinburgh College of Art “My work has changed in the time I’ve been doing my course due to the education I never had where art is concerned. I was in my 40s when I started the […]

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Blog Artist

Roundhay Artists 2019

Just putting the final touches on work I’m submitting this year to the Open Studios run by Roundhay Artists.

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Blog Post

The Place of Erasure in Artistic Production

Part of my research during the residency has been to explore the place of ‘erasure’ and ‘negation’ within artistic activity and within the art work that is researched and created. Within my work, the Everyday is translated and experienced through […]

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