Unlimited awards £550,000 to 26 disabled artists and companies
Unlimited Commissions offer four different types of award that will help support the development of new artistic work by disabled artists.
Unlimited Commissions offer four different types of award that will help support the development of new artistic work by disabled artists.
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Lower Padley in The Peak District National Park, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, London, Oxford and Leeds, all taken from a-n’s Events section featuring shows and events posted by a-n members.
A daily account about transforming this work into a business –
I’m writing about my studio, but to be honest, I’ve had no time to work in there these last few months. I have worked…. though at home, whenever I could. I’ve been trying to raise cash for future projects, so […]
Images from the opening ceremony and the GAS members exhibition
These are off to the Devonshire Collective Postcard show – continuing the theme of gardens. Having a thematic focus lets me try out lots of different approaches, which I like.
Delighted to have received an A-n Artist Bursary which will be supporting my research and practical exploration into large scale, public and outdoor sculpture over the next six months.
Alongside my artistic practice I’ll also be working as the CVAN (Contemporary Visual Arts Network) North West Network Manager this year. http://www.cvan.art/news/2019/2/13/appointment-of-holly-r-hesson-to-cvan-north-west-network-manager
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I have a great interest in the things that I find in the field and many questions about them. Often questions about what my own interest in them is about and what for? In previous research my focus and impulse […]
With a practice that conducts ‘non-expert’ skilling-up to streamline execution, Nicola Ellis is able to engage with the problems and solutions of sculpture in relation to material choice and the subversion of industrial processes. Richard Taylor finds out more.
hi, I’m in a similar position to others I’m sure, and wanted to clarify things for a Market I’m booking for. I joined AN in October 2018 and whilst my membership is still running, I am querying whether my Insurance […]
Help me lord! I shouldn’t really be blogging mid-install, but I’m up at crack of dawn and keen to share my excitement at finally bringing my Neither Use Nor Ornament (NUNO) project to the public. I’ve never done anything like […]
This week is the eighth and final week for the pilot course. It has been an intensive programme of reading papers, watching videos and weekly assessments. Although it is a flexible programme, it still required dedicated time commitment. There was […]
I am so delighted and ecstatic to announce that I received the a-n Artist Bursary! This means that I am getting a step closer in creating my fist ever artists’ book! As part of my project, I am attending a summer […]
‘I haven’t really planned a route..’ In an email on January 23rd, Simon expressed his preference for a sunrise walk and suggested a handful of dates, his email ended with a cautionary ‘the longer we leave it the earlier we […]
Announcing the recipients of this year’s a-n Artist Bursaries, which offer awards of £500-£1,500 to a-n Artist members wishing to undertake self-determined professional development over the coming year.