Earlier this month I had the privilege of staging Perfume as Practice SS19 at Lumen Crypt Gallery, London. The opportunity afforded me the chance to exhibit a solo show in London for the first time; bringing my unique approach to […]
Bred Pudding Collective is an ever shifting collective of artists, poets and musicians brought together by founding members Paul Conneally and Russ Ralph.
Well being stuck in A&E for a day was no fun but here we go – a few more black and white brush drawings for the 100 day project (only on day 9). I’m calling this series Beachtime Stories, whether […]
Creative Blind Dates: Speaking from a personal perspective, that’s the easiest way to describe phase two of the Art Builders. The More official description might be each school which took part in the Big Build at Dreamland in Margate is […]
Dwell Time at South Square Wellbeing Weekend Excited to announce that Dwell Time will be at South Square Wellbeing Weekend with some copies of Issue 1 and inviting people to participate in interviews about mental wellbeing for Issue 2! South […]
A diverse exhibition of work from a group of neurodiverse artists engaged in Painting, Sculpture, Installation, Performance, Objects, ideas and the self.
I’ve just come back from a brilliant trip to Scotland. I went specifically to paint, to research the Scottish coastal scenery. I didn’t actually manage much painting but did loads of sketching and took masses of photographs. So on my […]
after my clearing post yesterday we headed out into the bright warm day and south to alnwick. now famous for the home of hogwarts, our destination was another famous place – barter books. having written up how i […]
12″ Vinyl picture disc referencing every nuclear explosion since 1945.
I launched my picture disc on Indiegogo a couple of weeks ago and at the halfway point I’m 53% funded!
Tracey Emin’s show at White Cube was inspiring especially the large gestural brush drawings in acrylic paint on canvas, sometimes unprimed.
Tomorrow it will be four weeks since I delivered a presentation on my practice at the Tate Modern as part of Shape Arts’ Flux/Us: Be part of the art event at the Tate Exchange. Usually, I would write something almost […]
There has to be time for fun… not that work can’t be fun as well and maybe should be, but anyhow the studio collective got together for a shared lunch the other day as a send off for one of […]
Despite being on holiday I find myself needing to come to this place and reflect upon my attempts to play this week. We’re in northumberland staying in a remote location where the wifi is intermittent. I’ve brought the 360 camera […]
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in St Leonards-on-Sea, Preston, London, Edinburgh and Anglesey, all from a-n’s Events section featuring shows and events posted by members.
A collection of reflections on Social Art Network’s two-day event in Sheffield, November 2018.
This blog considers the act and the media of Drawing in both the organisational methodology and the essential instinctive gestural aspect of Making.