Creative Activities in Care Facilities: Programme Development
I will be presenting the findings of my research regarding care facilities and their creative programmes (or lack thereof) within the areas of Fylde, Wyre and Blackpool.
I will be presenting the findings of my research regarding care facilities and their creative programmes (or lack thereof) within the areas of Fylde, Wyre and Blackpool.
The school holidays are a challenge in terms of building in field time. The usual rhythm is completely lost. Those precious 2hrs are gone and I can’t do my visits with the family. I can go walking with them but […]
Exciting first meeting in Bristol, discussions, software and imagery show and tell. Thoughts and key words emerged: Liminal Sacrificial Ritual Revealing Enclosure Pulses Immersive Responsive Disorientation Ambient Historical Above Below Interesting ideas emerged that sounds and narratives are a constant […]
Stratum is a research and development project investigating the intersection of traditional Fine art practice and immersive digital technologies.
I suppose my work has always had women at its heart… mothers, daughters (I am one, but I haven’t got one), sisters (not that I have one) and so on… Women as parents, carers, teachers, lovers, as wives, as people […]
A petition by the photography centre against City of Edinburgh Council’s proposals has so far gained over 3,000 signatures as calls grow for the council to reconsider the potentially devastating rent increase.
The gallery in Swansea city centre has moved into its fifth building since launching in 2007, with better access and a variety of exhibition, workshop and performance spaces.
Networking with artists, galleries and other arts organisations in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
One of my main aims for this year has been to find opportunities to continue to work on a larger scale – to make things that are bigger than me – but at the same time my mind is full […]
Dean Melbourne and I travelled to Bruton in Somerset for our first exploratory meeting with Jungian psychoanalyst Catherine Bygott. Catherine has lectured and led numerous seminars and workshops in the UK and Ireland over the past twenty-five years on Jung’s […]
I have been lucky over the past two months to have a series of visits to view a wide array of items from the Cunard Archive, which is held in Special Collections at the University of Liverpool. Facilitated initially by […]
M.F.A. Fine arts and artist
This experience was an absolute delight, and I felt so lucky to be able to view them. Again after a complex online booking and registration process in person, I spent two days looking through pretty much every Harper’s Bazaar of […]
A new campaign from the International Association of Art is advocating for fair exhibition remuneration for visual artists throughout Europe and calling on galleries to be inspired by best practice examples.
A selection of recommended shows, including: a group show of early career artists’ work at the Bluecoat, Liverpool, Sriwhana Spong’s largest exhibition to date outside of her native New Zealand at Spike Island, and film works by the two recipients of the sixth Jerwood/FVU Awards.
I have been going through some of my mono prints and realise that they are not quite enough on their own, so I have been working over them, which I also realise is what a lot of printmakers do… While […]