Our Whole Self (OWS)
Carousel Gallery -
July 17, 2019 -
July 23, 2019 -
East England
Does anyone have any pointers to legislation on exhibiting children’s art, from an art project which occurred outside of a school? I can see that there are safeguarding issues in publicising a name; if displayed anonymously, there could be a […]
Preparation Day for The Big Build had many highlights and generally felt like having fun with friends. Started with loading up a van, fit to burst with cardboard as well as making new friends on the Animate Team. With the serious […]
The next few days will be curiously calm; they lay in between the making of the work for Perfume as Practice SS19 at Lumen Crypt Gallery and said exhibition’s installation on Wednesday. I will chiefly use the time to promote […]
28/3/19 Drove to my home town Grimsby to meet with ‘Our Big Picture’ about exhibiting Koffins in the Minster later this year. I haven’t been back to Grimsby since my mums funeral. Found out they have an Old artwork of […]
A daily account of what im doing taking Koffin going forward. Some info confidential but will tell you what I can about transforming this work into a business – theres 5 years of history already happened on this but wont go into that here
To read this post visit: https://www.dominiquedelight.co.uk/how-peer-coaching-can-help-your-artistic-practice My monthly blog is now based on my website – come and check it out and sign up for free tips on ways to improve your life! Happy creating! Dominique www.dominiquedelight.co.uk Linked In: dominique-de-light […]
A selection of the week’s best shows, including: Emma Kunz’s abstract drawing at the Serpentine Gallery, London, Filip Markiewicz’s installation dealing with the crisis of Europe at CCA, Derry, plus Hew Locke’s exploration of the languages of colonial and post-colonial power at Ikon, Birmingham.
YEAR 1: Me/Mi MôMo Mu Conceived of the 5 elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Aether; Me = 1st body (neophyte) Mi = phantom body (Boricua counter-colonial living cage of the octochronoplasmantic time-prism) MôMo = Artaudian Hauntologisms (the post-humanoid suicided by […]
end of march, i’ve eaten and it’s still light, time to write a post i thought as i walked into the kitchen with my dinner plate. with the lighter nights comes a happier andrew. for the rememberable past i have […]
Diary of a collaborative research project in the areas of Jungian psychology, alchemy and mythology
Thinking back to this time last year when I was just about to begin my activity with the support of an a-n Artist Bursary and to the steps forwards that is has enabled me to take. As well as developing […]
The third component of my skills development project was to talk to someone who could help me move my making processes forwards and help me think through what the direction of this could be. For a number of years I […]
A one month exhibition of time lapse video and video stills from the Cornish Coast. Hertford House Hotel Fore St Hertford from April 5th 2019.
Notebooks and ideas gathering on the studio table
The wind drawings are part of the on-going Mourning Stone Project https://www.a-n.co.uk/blogs/the-mourning-stone-project/ and a collaborative drawing research project Touching The World Lightly http://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/ttwl/ they began on a windy holiday in 2013 and re appeared in the Mourning Stone project in a different guise.
Chalk dust figures have begun to creep in amongst the stains and trees, gathering on the ideas shelf….it seems natural for them to reappear, and I am glad to see them.