Ideas shelf
Chalk dust figures have begun to creep in amongst the stains and trees, gathering on the ideas shelf….it seems natural for them to reappear, and I am glad to see them.
Chalk dust figures have begun to creep in amongst the stains and trees, gathering on the ideas shelf….it seems natural for them to reappear, and I am glad to see them.
Emily Jolley, Tania Rutland, Jenny Staff, Anna Twinam-Cauchi and myself are working towards an exhibition at Worthing Museum and Gallery in June 2019. Our focus is Cissbury Ring and I have been up there walking, idling amongst the Gorse, picking […]
Wind Drawing, Witterings A selection of wind drawings were taken to the KHIO Gallery Seilduken Gallery in Oslo in January 2019 as part of the Touching the World Lightly research week exhibition. TtWL is a collaborative practice based research project […]
The sensory deprivation tank was developed by Neurophysiologist John C. Lilly in 1954, as a way to study human consciousness in the absence of sensory stimuli. Sensory deprivation tanks are typically sound and light proof pods filled with a shallow […]
In May 2018 I attended a Conscious Dreaming workshop with dream guide and death doula Tree Carr. Carr has practiced methods for lucid dreaming for over twenty years, and is versed in a myriad of knowledge and techniques for conscious […]
The marks from the weather-rings drawings have been finding their way into my prints, along with the low tech drawing machines that Jane Fordham and I made for the Year of Drawing.
In February 2019 I returned to Paris, to trace and catalogue Antonin Artaud’s ghostly residues, as I had a year previous. In anticipation for this trip, I planned many things: to visit the site of Théâtre des Folies-Wagram, where Artaud’s play […]
A selection of drawings from a series of ‘books in a day’. These images come from a book of weather and are connected in spirit to the wind drawings that I have been making since 2014.
My own words come back to bite me… Lately I’ve been banging on to a friend about “Authenticity”. I’ve clearly been ignoring my own actions in this. There’s a back story to why this is happening. It is to do […]
foraging for food starts now st George’s mushrooms on road verges on high moors hawthorn leaves and new nettles for soup
moorland walking insiration
I am very pleased to have new work from the Return to Ritherdon project exhibited in MAJOR Conversations: the industrial narrative exhibition at Platform A Gallery, Middlesbrough UK Bobby Benjamin Connor Sheilds Craig Oldham Faye Hadfield Hannah Leighton Boyce Helen […]
the collections are central to the museum of making. they act as an inspiration for making today and for makers of the future. with the building being refurbished all the objects are being stored offsite. today i’ve visited one of […]
More News In Brief: Emilija Škarnulytė announced as winner of the Future Generation Art Prize 2019, plus Van Gogh exhibition opens after Tate gives assurances to Dutch galleries that loaned works would not get stuck in chaotic post-Brexit UK.
Starting out on my bursary journey
I’m really excited! Since September last year I have had 2 hours a day, Mon-Fri, to myself while my youngest son is at nursery. It has been a struggle to do much with this time, but each day it has […]
Unlimited Commissions offer four different types of award that will help support the development of new artistic work by disabled artists.
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Lower Padley in The Peak District National Park, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, London, Oxford and Leeds, all taken from a-n’s Events section featuring shows and events posted by a-n members.
A daily account about transforming this work into a business –
I’m writing about my studio, but to be honest, I’ve had no time to work in there these last few months. I have worked…. though at home, whenever I could. I’ve been trying to raise cash for future projects, so […]