Page 385 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

‘Dim ond geiriau ydi iaith’ ‘A language is only words’

I was invited to participate in a group exhibition at Bay Art by Iwan Bala. The exhibition explored notions of identity and culture through language. Link to exhibition at Bay Arts Llŷr and I were able to offer a […]

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Blog Post

Writing – ‘Dyfodiaith’ – Tafod Dadweirlled

Pulling ideas from Pitman’s short hand in Welsh language. Writing approaches / monologues and script writing. I wrote a rough first draft script during the Litmus residency I undertook at Oriel Davies, Newtown. I used this collection of writing / […]

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Blog Post

Research ‘Dyfodiaith’ – Tafod Dadweirlled

Research I approached the Welsh language department at Bangor University about my research project and made inquiries about supporting the work. I was fortunate to make an appointment with Professor Jerry Hunter, whose novel ‘Ebargofiant’ inspired the beginnings of my research. […]

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Blog Artist

Dyfodiaith – Tafod Dadweirlled

Dyfodiaith – Future language
Tafod Dadweirlled – Metamorphosing tongue
This research period will help develop a narrative, which imagines speaking to an unknown future; it will be developed into a new script that will serve as the basis of a new sound work.

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Blog Artist


Imagining Merkel and May taking part in the Eurovision song contest! Inspired by Dada poetry, Euro(re)vision explores the relationships between artificial intelligence, politics and pop culture.

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Blog Post

Continually Resist.

I cannot express the benefits of sharing practice and space with artists whose main discipline is different from my own. Taking myself out of the context of the UK to consolidate my own methodologies was needed to further enhance my […]

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Blog Post

A body. A Site of Trauma

While excavating for movement, we cannot underestimate the history that lies inside muscles and bones. The heavy breath drawing down our diaphragm, that constant pressure to assimilate leaving thick February fog shape hopelessness in the gravity of ribs. On a […]

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Blog Post

Seeing Through Black Eyes

What I’ve grown to love about vogue femme is how it is unashamedly bold, fierce, sensual, unapologetic. It allows me to access my femininity in a way that feels less cumbersome. It’s a femininity for me and not for the […]

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Blog Artist

Radical Restorative Movement

A week-long residency in New York with choreographer Kristopher Pourzal exploring movement, Queerness, resistance & Race as a context to heal through movement.

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Blog Post

First screening of Watercress and Daffodils

The film took us so gently on a physical journey through the garden space, a mental journey through its history but also on an emotional journey – as we descended the space of the garden we explored some of the […]

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Blog Post

Letting go of the reigns

I’ve done it again… said I would blog more regularly, but then things happen and another month (or two) goes by. It really has been a learning curve to just sit back and let things happen. I’ve seen ‘opportunities’  come […]

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Ageism: can we just stop it please?

Looking around a.n, I found this rather fine post from about 5 years ago about ageism. I was surprised at how little it was commented on, and how little seems to have changed. Any thoughts on this? Has it got […]

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Blog Post

Week Two – Olivia

My role within the Sky Above project is to ultimately help shift Hannah’s ideas into a reality. I will be / have been doing this by discussing with Hannah the following areas: Curation of space, in which we have discussed […]

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