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News News feature

Cample Line: foregrounding rural community and industrial history

Cample Line produces exhibitions and film screenings, bringing visitors to the rural location of Nithsdale in Dumfriesshire, south west Scotland. Whilst referencing the site’s industrial history, its programme also addresses the socio-economic challenges faced by local communities. Richard Taylor reports.

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Blog Post

ecofeminism: dialogic, feministics and care

Some of my concerns to do with care, ecofeminism and place took me to the CAA conference in New York to discuss in a very supportive context my work and test my ideas. Here I also finally met with the […]

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Blog Post

Young’s Modulus, Data Flow and Blissful Happiness

It’s been a busy Winter, although the midwinter blues got me badly this year, so it’s all felt like wading through treacle, and the last thing I’ve wanted to do is sit in front of my computer screen and write […]

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Blog Post

Drawing on the wall

This week I’ve been leaving a bit of time to reflect on the experiments with materials I started last week and have re-focused on drawing while I let things develop. One of my aims for this year is to move […]

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News News story

Now Showing #283: The week’s top exhibitions

A selection of the week’s best shows, including: three artists address concepts of borders at Void, Derry; Franz West’s abstract sculpture at Tate Modern; susan pui san lok’s exploration of the folklore of witchcraft at Firstsite, Colchester.

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Blog Post

Post mentoring session experiments.

Apple mic within a latex cover. I decided to cover the Apple mic (mentioned in previous blog post) with a finger cut from a latex glove, firstly to keep moisture out of the microphone and secondly to get rid of […]

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Blog Post

Inching Towards London

My first solo show of the year – Perfume as Practice SS19 at Lumen Crypt Gallery, London – is inching ever closer; in a mere 6 weeks the exhibition will be up and running. So as you might expect February […]

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Blog Post

Memory of Clothes – Worthing Museum (Bathers)

Another stack of museum boxes that takes my interest are the swimming costumes. The location of Worthing by the sea would logically suggest the reason why Worthing Museum has so many in its collection. The earliest costumes appear more like […]

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