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Blog Post

The Perfect Museum of Me

A new collaborative project In October 2018 we started our new collaborative project; inviting local people who have learning disabilities, autism or mental health needs to join artists Helen Garbett and Bill Laybourne on a series of 10 week workshops. […]

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Blog Post


I sort of feel as if I should be making more effort to save the planet. I’ve been thinking about it in my work for quite a while – how to use more environmentally methods and materials – but actually there […]

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Blog Post

180 degrees for an hour

3.30pm One of the things that I made a considered decision about during the Once In A Universe project was that I would embrace the use of the materials of the Anthropocene – silicone, plastics and batteries being the main […]

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Blog Artist

Vive la Vole

A study from life of some very tiny creatures!

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