Project Art Works residency with Tate
Project Art Works artists respond to the works featured in Tate Modern’s new exhibition Expressionists: Kandinsky, Münter and The Blue Rider.
Project Art Works artists respond to the works featured in Tate Modern’s new exhibition Expressionists: Kandinsky, Münter and The Blue Rider.
Shows by a-n members in Venice and the UK including Vlatka Horvat’s Croatian Pavilion, a Disability Arts Movement group show, plus Rachael Clerke launches Art Business Ltd.
Supermarket day 0 It was lovely to catch-up with even more friends and colleagues yesterday as the fair really kicked off with the Forum (professional networking event) which was immediately followed by the vip and the preview evening. Over the […]
Does our insurance cover legal expenses such as in a no win no fee case involving a personal medical matter?
Supermarket days -2 and -1 As soon as I arrive at this apartment time begins to collapse and it is as if Supermarket 2023 was yesterday. Arriving at the venue on Monday morning, greeting my colleagues, seeing the logo, feeling […]
During my recent visit to the GF Smith paper factory, I was impressed by the community and hand-made processes that underpin their work. I saw firsthand the skills and processes involved in creating bespoke products from a huge variety of […]
It’s two days since our exhibition opened – three since the PV night…. and after the initial elation, I’ve now got that ‘flat’ feeling. After an opening, I always wish there was a flood of reviews , feedback … even […]
On leaving Liljevalchs (Spring Exhibition, closing day) yesterday afternoon it occurred to me how fortunate I am not to have to depend on selling my work for income. It means that I can continue to produce what I want and […]
When you are in the place of getting your art work off the kitchen table, you don’t need any more of your own canvas, on your living room walls. Can I make an income from my art?
Its a cliché, that mature art students use: I wanted to go to art school but my parents thought it better I chose a more practical degree and then find a job. Been there. Done that, Got the […]