Page 405 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Digital Citizen – the Precarious Subject
Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art -
January 25, 2019 -
June 16, 2019 -
North East England
Application submitted
Your application has been submitted successfully. Once we have checked your details and received payment we will print your card and post it to you. Please allow up to 28 days for processing. We hope you enjoy your free and […]
Payment Failure
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2018’s history. Exciting times ahead
I guess this was a highlight of 2018…. being shortlisted for the RA Summer Show with this little watercolour. Not at all typical of my work??? How do they select? But I’ll have another attempt this year. Looking back on […]
Elastic fantastic: Iterating on the way the Quizzer attaches to the phone
The case has to fit all sizes of phones, it would be great if it makes the phone no longer look like a phone. I like this flexy silicone lego… Strip it back a bit. And a bit more…. Found […]
Heard the news that I was accepted for the Developing Your Creative Practice grants from Arts Council England. Fantastic. Now I can get on with the work and have a rest from funding applications! This will enable me to: Learn […]
Two day residential.
At the end of November all fellows attended a residential at Hawkwood College in the Cotswolds where we were introduced to the mentors for the first time. This residential felt like it marked a starting point as this was the […]
Demoing off-location for Caravan at Brighton Festival
It works against a printed background!! So, how could I show existing sequences off-location? I made a low cost print of the background photo and viewed the sequence against it. It worked really well! So I decided to make […]

Arts calendar 2019: exhibitions, conferences and other art events
What does 2019 have in store in terms of exhibitions, art fairs, festivals, conferences and other events? We take a month-by-month look at what the year ahead has to offer.

Get to know your sewing machine workshop
Knit One Weave One -
January 25, 2019 at 12:00 AM -
South West England

Artists Housing Prototype Show Launch
Artcore -
January 31, 2019 at 06:00 PM -
East Midlands
Bring on the Dancing Horses
I wanted a demo piece that would work against a live background so arranged with the Dome for access to the Founder’s room in advance and took some photos. Initial ideas to do with the heritage of the Dome […]
Painting as terrain Panel Discussion
The Crypt -
February 16, 2019 at 12:00 AM -
Painting as terrain
The Crypt -
January 19, 2019 -
April 26, 2019 -
VRLab – gathering user data
Along with Fusebox residents Maf’j Alvarez, Andy Baker, George Butler and Iona Scott, I was invited to demo the Quizzer at TOMtech’s intensive 4 day VRlab, part of Brighton Digital Festival. At first I was unsure why I needed to […]
Learning Unity
I joined TOMtech‘s Theatre XR training programme for their AR day (5th September 2018) and learned to make images into AR targets using Vuforia. Thanks Simon Wilkinson and James Turnbull at TOMtech. I attended a workshop led by Andy Baker […]
Binocular Vision, Fusion and Rivalry
I met with optometrists Ritz Cannell and her colleague Claire at The Specky Wren, Brighton and showed them the Quizzer. Both found it easy to use and confirmed what Ritz had told me that it works through binocular vision, which most […]
Seed Sowing
New Year then… 2019… seems like some mad futuristic thing doesn’t it? Our dystopian future… Time will tell whether after March we are living on tinned tuna, chick peas and home grown spuds, treating our maladies with bread and spinach […]
So 2019, My first day back at the studio. So far, I’ve taken boards, canvases and images out ready to begin new art. I’ve drank some tea. I’ve done some editing and promotion for the Sadd Artist and I’m going […]
The Sadd Artist
New live Sadd Artist video on YouTube, basically me conducting a Photo-shoot at Chester Art Centre. A rare insight, if you’ve never worked with a photo studio before

Sites Unseen: Paintings of Hull’s hidden and unseen urban routes
Gallery One, The Ropewalk -
January 12, 2019 -
March 03, 2019 -
East Midlands
Mixed Reality Documentary?
The stories I tell about places come from those locations. I try to make the resonances of a place visible, and part of those resonances are to do with the people who frequent that location. I wanted to pilot ways […]

Now Showing #276: The week’s top exhibitions
Five recommended shows from across the UK, including: Christine Ay Tjoe’s painting and drawing at White Cube Bermondsey, London; Cécile B. Evans’ Brutalist film installation at Tramway, Glasgow; and Lorenzo Lotto’s portraits, National Gallery, London.
In 2018 I received a professional bursary to understand the basics of using machine learning in art. Across these four blog posts I describe what I learnt.