Original etchings translated through the process of jacquard weaving, a method of mass production, to produce an edition of 100 functional towels. Each signed as if an printed edition, and numbered with a hand embroidered patch. Each towel acts as […]
Referencing the online presentation of products, the accompanying hand out for First Floor brings together initial research with documentation of the exhibited works, to present a corresponding catalogue. Lithographically printed, it acts as supporting documentation for the exhibition and an […]
I developed this survey as a way to formalise the conversations I have had during my research project. I want to capture different perspectives and experiences in order to develop a more robust approach to improving the workplace and support […]
Following my visit to The Women’s Art Library, this strand of the research project was somewhat overshadowed by attending meetups and workshops. It was surprisingly challenging to organise library visits to fit around these other occasions that brought me down […]
We came across many people engaged in creating new structures for dialogue within the Armenian art scene. We had the pleasure to meet a few strong, female curators like Susanna Gyulamiryan, Anna Kamay and briefly Eva Khachatryan – independent curator. […]
Are you ready? Are you ready for the obligatory ‘let’s-have-a-recap-of-the-past-year’ blog post? Why not start this new a-n blog with a recap of the last year? In terms of Art, without a shadow of a doubt this has been […]
Honest and generous writing in relation to my expanded-drawing practice, the things I do and everything else in between. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, reflections…
Taken from my original blog at www.laurensaundersart.co.uk/blog
In August I had my last mentoring session with Rory Pilgrim, which along with a discussion day for moving image was funded by an A-N Artist Bursary.
This is what happened next.
In August I had my last mentoring session with Rory Pilgrim, which along with a discussion day for moving image was funded by an A-N Artist Bursary. This is what happened next. I moved to Glasgow to start an MLitt […]
In the Summer of 2018, I work with Olga on a movement piece based on Mr X’s gestures. I feel self-conscious – movement (and being filmed) doesn’t come easily. What I (re)learn is the vulnerability that comes with being observed […]
Talking with a colleague in the art studio at the hospital, I realise that the trace of ‘recovery’ (if that’s what it is) can be found in the by-product of activities. On the wards, progress is measured in different ways […]
All of my thinking about vulnerability (and its flipside – resilience), came from my experience of working with ‘Mr X’, an artist who makes almost all of his work onsite at the Bethlem Royal Hospital, the oldest still-functioning psychiatric hospital […]
Earlier this year I received an A-N artist bursary. I used the bursary for mentoring sessions with the artist Rory Pilgrim and to run a moving image discussion day at Rame Projects (Cornwall) for artists working in Devon and Cornwall. […]
I am a light and text artist working to create installations and sculptures mainly for the public realm. For around 5 years I have been working as a sole trader in terms of my business structure. It has worked well […]
As part of my research into different businesses and creative women in business, I spoke to Director of InDesignSkills Ltd, Grace Fussell. Established as a limited company in April 2018, InDesignSkills is a blog-based e-business the offers authentic and relatable […]
While researching the different types of creative businesses being run by creative women, I spoke to Managing Director of Creative City, Beth Powell, about running her company. In this interview she tells me about the creative possibilities and challenges of […]
In the last part of my blog, I include some considerations of becoming a limited company, as well as some resources I found useful. Considerations of going Limited: – It can appear more professional to some clients who will expect […]
The recent announcement for the latest round of a-n professional development bursaries started me thinking again about the short film that I made with film maker Henrietta Thomas. ‘I Always Wanted To Be…’ was completed at the end of December […]
If you work as an art technician, you are part of a fairly new and growing trade, which wasn’t as prominent twenty years ago, as it is today. I wanted to connect the trends visible in today’s art tech scene […]
it took a few days for my state of mind to unwind after wednesday and i’m really pleased to report that after a conversation yesterday i’m feeling a lot more centred and happy than the previous few days prior to […]
As well as developing the practical skills needed to explore sugar as a sculptural material another aim was to develop a deeper understanding of confection in association with the female body sensory pleasures and embodiment. I approached curator and writer […]
Looking back on my creative output over the last year, I’d have to conclude that I have had a relatively successful 2018 – I have delivered on my promise of staging two Perfume as Practice shows a year, immersed myself […]
I finally got to do my short course in sugar work. A whole day of pure sweet indulgence! I spent the day at Spun Candy in London, working one on one with a specialist sugar crafter, who taught me the […]
It happened. I can’t quite believe it. I remember when I got the news that I had received the a-n bursary. I jumped into the living room where my husband was sat watchign tv and shouted “I got the bursary!”. […]
I struggle with the idea of ‘recovery’ – particularly when it’s seen as a linear narrative, moving from a point of un-productivity to productivity. See Recovery in the Bin for a critique of neo-liberal understandings of the term. Many times […]