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Blog Post

Hare-Brained Corners

I am just finishing my text about the 2018 Joseph Beuys in Connemara Residency. “Looking for Joseph Beuys turns into work, into a paper-chase which eventually will yellow, curl up and fade into a temporary blot on the Irish landscape, […]

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Blog Post

Episode 02

The latest episode of the Sadd Artist is upon us. Please check it out on YouTube

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Blog Post

light, wright and trio

a comfy place on the sofa avails thought and contemplation to recount recent days and specifically to reflect upon aspects of my own practice. last weekend i made my debut with the skin and bone trio in a local pub’s […]

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Blog Post

Galleries & Artists in Miami

As part of my time in Miami, I wanted to spend more time connecting with galleries and artists. On one of my first days there, I was invited to an evening at The Fountainhead Residency which is where I was […]

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Blog Post

Wolfsonian Museum & Archive

I also visited the Wolfsonian Museum and Archive last year on my visit to Miami, and it was wonderful to extend my research on this visit to explore more in-depth archives that I had only just touched upon. The Wolfsonian […]

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Blog Post

Miami Beach Seaside Moderne & MDPL Art Deco Museum

As I mentioned previously I visited Miami last year to undertake research into seaside moderne architecture on Miami Beach built during the 1930s. There are several hundred buildings constructed in this style between the early 1930s and 1940s within Miami […]

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Blog Post

Reflections on Jamboree

Jamboree 2018 was a gathering of artists and curators at Dartington Estate near Totnes at the end of June. We were blessed with an incredible site and amazing weather, which was especially welcome when taking part in the many walks […]

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Blog Post

Happy Days

The autumn leaves have mostly fallen already. I’ve walked in the woods more this autumn then in the last 3-4 years. I’ve greatly enjoyed it. I made a series of small drawings I have called the #thedogwalkdrawings and posted them […]

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Blog Artist

a-n bursary: TRANSMISSION pilot for an online radio station

TRANSMISSION is a pilot project devised as part of my a-n bursary research into setting up a radio platform in Digbeth (Birmingham) from which all programmes are made by artists, musicians and composers based in the West Midlands.

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Blog Arts organiser

The Era of the Artrepreneur

Once upon a time, artists who wanted to pursue a full-time art career had limited options. Self-taught artists and recent art graduates could get a job, a very small percentage could be signed by a gallery right away, or they could […]

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Blog Post

To Make a Scented Necklace

Recently I took part in Yorkshire Artspace’s Open Studio event, which as ever attracted hundreds of visitors to my very studio. During the event I exhibited my usual array of scented delights and workshop promotional material. I tend to use […]

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