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Blog Post

Since July

With my next Magnum & BJP Workshop coming up this weekend, I thought I’d give you a quick update on what I’ve been doing since July… Lingering Ghosts at St Martin-in-the-Fields From June to September this year I exhibited 13 […]

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Blog Post

Reflections on two sites

We’ve come to the end of our time in Suffolk County and Felicity and I reflect on our project Change, Chance and Circumstance: Field Notes. What started out as a conversation on Aldeburgh Beach last summer and an exchange of […]

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Blog Post

Brooklyn Library, Galleries & Coney Island

This was a really interesting day. I started with a visit to the absolutely magnificent Brooklyn Library. Brooklyn is a very large area with several sub-libraries but this is their main library. Brooklyn Library was initially initiated in the 1800’s […]

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News News story

Now Showing #271: The week’s top exhibitions

Five recommended shows from across the UK, including an exhibition of work by graphic artists, painters and designers at Thames-Side Studios in London, a large-scale installation of new work by Emma Talbot at Caustic Coastal in Salford, plus a retrospective of the performative sound art of the Bow Gamelan Ensemble in Dundee.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Paradise Works

Studio provider and project space Paradise Works was founded in April 2017. Straddling the Salford-Manchester border, the organisation hosts 30 artists and presents an artist-focused programme of exhibitions, residencies and events. This profile includes a video, recorded at a-n’s Assembly Salford, of founder Lucy Harvey introducing the organisation and discussing its aspirations to be a sustainable presence within the artist-led ecology.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Islington Mill

Islington Mill in Salford is an evolving creative space, arts hub and community that provides studios, hosts residencies, and includes a peer-led art school and artist-run B&B. This profile includes two videos, recorded at Assembly Salford, of Islington Mill founder Bill Campbell introducing the organisation and discussing future plans.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Primary

Based in a former school in Nottingham, Primary supports artistic production through its studio provision, residencies and a public programme. This profile includes two videos, recorded at Assembly Salford, where director Niki Russell introduces the organisation and shares its lengthy journey to securing a space.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: S1 Artspace

S1 Artspace in Sheffield is a member-led studio provider and exhibition space, running since 1995. This profile includes a video, recorded at Assembly Salford, of S1’s Stephen Escritt outlining the organisation’s plans for a major expansion at the Grade II* listed brutalist Park Hill estate.

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: The NewBridge Project

Initiated in 2010 by two fine art graduates, The NewBridge Project in Newcastle upon Tyne provides studios, a gallery, project spaces and a member-led professional development programme. This profile includes two videos, recorded at Assembly Salford, of former director Charlotte Gregory introducing the organisation and discussing how during a period of expansion the project has stayed loyal to its member-led ethos

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Resource Profile

Artist-led: Acme

Founded in 1972, Acme Studios has grown to provide around 600 studios for London-based artists. This profile includes two videos, recorded at Assembly Salford, featuring Acme’s Head of Projects & Communications Jack Fortescue introducing the organisation and outlining its unwavering commitment to securing long-term, affordable artist studios.

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Blog Post

Round the Light

Felicity and I look at the footage we have of Montauk Point Lighthouse in relation to the one-minute film we made from our visit to Orfordness Lighthouse To the High Light in June. The images we took at Orfordness Lighthouse were […]

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Blog Post

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Alas! After 20 years of living in “paradise” my landlady died and I had to move. The chocolate-box cottage backing onto a nature reserve gave me all I needed: studio, office, venue, group meeting areas, family accommodation, a spare room […]

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Blog Post


sitting at our dining table i find myself staring out the window at a scene of slowly fading light with becoming brighter moon.  what leaves are left on the trees wave at me like they are all vying for my […]

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Blog Post


mina is the mobile innovation network and association and is based at Swinburne University of Technology in melbourne australia.  in 2018 the mina symposium was in it’s eighth iteration sitting alongside the 8th International Mobile Innovation Screenings.  i took part in […]

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Blog Post

Women’s Studio Workshop, Rosendale, NY

I’ve been following the fantastic residencies, workshops and programmes of Women’s Studio Workshop online for several years, and seem many artists I admire, including Emily Speed, undertake residencies with exciting results, so I really wanted to visit there while in […]

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