Group Shows – do they help us all?
Installing the new Ordinary/Extraordinary show at the Workers Gallery, resident artist shares her hopes for the show – for everyone exhibiting
Installing the new Ordinary/Extraordinary show at the Workers Gallery, resident artist shares her hopes for the show – for everyone exhibiting
Tenerife I find myself staying in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife in slightly peculiar circumstances – this should have been a holiday with my parents, who due to an unplanned operation were unable to make the trip. Tenerife had never […]
I seem to be just wading through things at the moment, unable to shift a cold which has left me with a fuzzy head and aching body. When is it going to go away ?? Its been quite a busy […]
It might be very chilly out there but I have been wonderfully ensconced in my little studio quite a bit. I have managed to fracture my toe quite badly which meant my plans to work at the theatre over December […]
1971 – I was fourteen and we found a storage hut at school, next to the tennis court. We climbed in and nicked a few costumes. These were vintage clothes used for school plays. I stole a little black cape […]
As an art tutor, and an artist, there are two bookcases with broad topics I access for reference. Maps, in a glass fronted cabinet that takes up a wall of my main studio and is neatly arranged in subtopics such […]
Drawing from the Imagination
How to apply to a-n Curator Bursaries: Exploring Northern Ireland 2024 An advisory drop-in session with Wing-Sie Chan Friday 19 January 2024, 12.30pm – 1.30pm on Zoom Free for a-n members. Registration required. Join Wing-Sie Chan, Head of programmes at […]
Opportunity for visual arts curators living and working in England, Scotland or Wales to visit Northern Ireland.
Are you ready to tackle all those topics you love to avoid? The T&Cs, the small print. Contracts, copyright, financial planning are crucial to protecting your practice. Over three sessions, you’ll learn how to stay smart when it comes to running your practice as a business; managing finances, negotiating contracts, license your images and gaining extra income via the Artist’s Resale Right. Using a mix of theory and hands-on practical exercises, gain insight and control to navigate the intricacies of business in the art world.
Session 1 | Protecting your practice: Financial planning
Friday 3 May 2024, 12:30-2:30pm
With Mahmood Reza
Session 2 | Protecting your practice: Copyright
Friday 10 May 2024, 12:30-2:30pm
Session 3 | Protecting your practice: Contracts
Friday 17 May 2024, 12:30-2:30pm
With Ceri Hand
Free for a-n members. Please log in to register for this event. Not yet a member? Find out more and join a-n today.
Welcome to Framework: our online interactive workshop series for artists seeking to develop essential skills Join our community of artists, mentors and advisors as they take you through key areas, connecting you to the skills you need for your practice […]
Welcome to Framework: our online interactive workshop series for artists seeking to develop essential skills.
We’re starting with a module about money. Specifically, how you ‘make it’. Over three sessions you’ll learn how to get ahead of the game and give yourself the best chance of winning that grant, smashing that crowdfunding target, and simply boosting your income now and in the future. Using a mix of theory and hands-on practical exercises, you’ll come away with a new set of tools to give you the best chance of securing funding.
Session 1 | Funding for artists: Different approaches
Friday 16 February 2024, 12:30-2:30pm
With Rosalind Davis
Session 2 | Funding for artists: Writing your application
Friday 23 February 2024, 12:30-2:30pm
With Mollie Balshaw
Session 3 | Funding for artists: Building resilience
Friday 1 March 2024, 12:30-2:30pm
With Emilia Telese
Free for a-n members. Please log in to register for this event. Not yet a member? Find out more and join a-n today.