Class of 2025 Open Call
Call to all undergraduate art students graduating in 2025: have your work featured in a-n’s Degree Shows Guide 2025.
Call to all undergraduate art students graduating in 2025: have your work featured in a-n’s Degree Shows Guide 2025.
I haven’t quite started the new year as hoped… after four years managing to avoid it, we both ended up with covid after the new year. Really annoying, and it halted my plans to get back to the studio as […]
I am wondering if anyone has come across any tips for best ways to create a video about yourself and your practice specifically for residency applications? I have noticed that more recently art institutions are asking artists to apply with […]
PLOT n area of land v to plan a journey/progress Using language and processes associated with gardening has helped me unpick some of the chaos that’s crept into my creative practice recently. Thinking of my studio as an overgrown garden helps separate […]
Belated Happy New Year ! Mine has started off a bit stressful and panicky – but all self inflicted. Mostly to do with studio space…or lack of in my case. Being on a low income at the moment, I absolutely […]
I am tired! I think this is partially due to my massive intake of refined sugars over the past few weeks – I’m simply not used to it and I am sure that it is wreaking havoc with my natural […]
My year with the Royal Drawing School is both finished and unfinished, scheduled class commitments sit behind me, commitments to my own practice in front. Immediately ahead lie two in-house drawing days meeting most of the ODDY cohort in person […]
Practice-based Research Project Ongoing – exploring the techniques and methods of Titian and Manet across one Century, via the foil of placing their Master Works together….Titian’s Venus of Urbino beneath Manet’s Olympia.
Starting a blog about stopping art and restarting my art practice from scratch
One week until I deliver my work to the Spring Exhibition … there is a lot to do in that time – practical things to attend to with the actual pieces, and other things to do with the stuff around […]
Curtsying out of 2023 into a New Year … I updated my website yesterday, on the last day of 2023. There’s still a bit to add, but it feels positive to have started the new year with at least […]
I should imagine lots of artists will be thinking about 2023 now. How things went, what could have gone better, what to do next… I can honestly say that I’ve had a good year. I’ve done a lot of travelling, […]
Hello lovely people of A-N, I am writing my first application for a drawing residency, and would very much appreciate any advice on structure, what to include and exclude! Many thanks, Lucy