Street Art MArket 2023
Portobello MArket -
October 04, 2023 -
October 15, 2023 -
News of the upcoming Christmas show 2023
I’ve had a weekend in London, with fellow blogger Kate Murdoch, at the Deptford X art festival. She had her 10 x 10 project open for business at the Arthub Studios and Gallery where she has her studio. It was […]
Art and enlightenment
Portrait of the artist’s grandson
Exhibitions to explore through October, including Armet Francis’ photography, Enam Gbewonyo’s textiles and The Otolith Group’s films
Exhibitions featuring a-n members, including Turner Prize nominees Rory Pilgrim and Barbara Walker, plus biennials in Stoke-on-Trent and Lancashire
I really enjoy the conversations that come up at exhibitions. At Brentford Creative Mile this month, two lovely snippets of Crane history came out of the many amazing conversations I had… One was that there used to be a freshwater […]