Deep sighs of contentment can be detected amongst the array of twinkling blooms, like children happily munching their favourite nibbles and swinging legs on chairs. Faces are upturned and warming in the sun. Life feels as good as it can get. […]
Hurrying forward, tripping over each other in their urgency to seek out the light. Skipping over leaves, panting with exertion, they flop into a happy heap of cheer, delighting at their spontaneous arrangement. Happy Heap of Cheer (collage and acrylic […]
Reworking Artworks from 2017/18 and giving them new life for 2025. here’s one.
Hello, I’m part of a new artist collective (made up of four individual, self-employed practitioners). I’m looking for advice on applying for ACE funding as a collective. Do we need to set up as an LLP or an Ltd? Do […]
What I have always liked, and been drawn to, about Holzer is her grass roots political activism, posters of political slogans and challenging statements inviting interaction and engagement with people on the street. Close to graffiti, encouraging people to wake […]
The main focus of her work is the delivery of words and ideas in public spaces. “Renowned for their use of language, Holzer’s artworks deploy text to spark debate and draw attention to socio-political issues. Words are central to […]
It would be easy for me to stop using FaceBook – I can’t remember the last time that I looked at it, let alone posted anything (probably in 2020 when Supermarket had a greater online presence due to the Covid […]
This year, a-n members took the opportunity to boost their professional development with support from two bursary funds: Aimed at visual artists working in all visual arts disciplines, and at any stage of their career, each fund offered bursaries of […]
Fix the grids directly to the wall. 20 grids in total, 5X4 Each grid is A5 format Fix to wall using little magnets – tape one on the wall, and then place one on top of the work – use […]
For these works my main influences are: Jenny Holzer – her statements stuck on walls Cristina Daura – illustrations, surrealism Hastings & Quinlan – narrative compositions, political In terms of the Clutter Show, I have been struggling with trying to […]