Disability Erased
The sculpture seen below has featured in other blog posts; it was a final piece in my second year and is titled Disability Erased. As briefly mentioned in my pecha kucha blog post, this was a 3D printed version of myself […]
The sculpture seen below has featured in other blog posts; it was a final piece in my second year and is titled Disability Erased. As briefly mentioned in my pecha kucha blog post, this was a 3D printed version of myself […]
Continuing my experiments in scale, I’ve been going over some of my photographs of Little Alice In The Landscape. Although I had first indended for these works to be supplementary, after taking a second look at them I have decided to […]
This post will be about creating animations from the photographs I take in nature. The title Re-animation of the Stopped Motion very simply describes my process of how I am trying to work this out. The photographs I´ve taken, and […]
Mother seems mandatory and has its own status in line with life choices, marriage success and size of kitchen. Becoming educated and having a career separate to the domestic, becoming a maker/artist empowered me to my perceived ideal of Woman. […]
Hi, I’m looking to create a series of digital artworks, using classic cars as the subject. I will be using my own photographs of said cars as reference, taken with permission of the owners at outdoor car shows and meets. […]
Hi there! Are you looking for a book club group where you can discuss your favourite art books or artists? Then this book club might be for you: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ArtBookClub/ I set the club up because reading is a solitary activity but […]
How do you build a successful contemporary arts project in one of the most remote parts of England? In this episode Alan Smith and Helen Ratcliffe tell me how (and why) they relocated from New York to the remote former […]
Hi. I’m looking for someone to help me get my head around and utilise social media better in the communication and promotion of my artwork. I do have a website, Facebook page, and Instagram account but they are not really […]
a blog charting my year long journey as one of the 2022-23 student residency co-hort at banks mill in derby.
Very excited to announce my solo show ‘Familiar Strangers’ starting next weekend at Little Nomad Gallery, Keighley. The opening event is next Saturday 5 November 2pm. There will be paintings, screenprints, wine and nibbles and friendly chat – come along!
I have an idea for a digital game and it is just at the seed stage but after a few initial stumbling blocks and discussions with more than one technology wizard I am beginning to think it shows promise! It […]
all good intentions are subject to the realities of life, right? so here are reflections on the last 2 ‘drawing on the outside’ meet-ups. our second meeting was pre-empted with a flurry of reminder whatsapps and facebook group spamming. after […]