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£10,000 Cash Art Prize Launched By Cass Art

The Cass Art Prize is launched by the family who championed Monet and Van Gogh. The annual competition is open to visual artists from every discipline across the UK and includes a £10,000 main cash prize and London winners exhibition.

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Blog Artist

Bee Eaters: A Virtual Residency

Virtual Artist Residency with Louisa Chambers (UK), Julia Wenz-Delaminsky (DE), Tamara Dubnyckyj (UK), Traci Kelly (UK/DE), Danica Maier (USA/UK), Clare Mitten (UK)

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Blog Artist

What I did for my a-n Artist Bursaries 2020 year

Here at last is my blog for the a-n Artist Bursaries 2020.The bursary was for me develop my soundart skills and practice. It is such a boost to get this kind of award enabling you to pay for courses, equipmen & mentoring and gives you a bit of ‘street cred’ with commissioners.

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black text stating: art et al. against a white background
Blog Arts organiser

Art et al.

New international digital platform Art et al., showcasing curated work by neurodiverse artists from across the UK and Australia, launched on April 14
The website features new commissions and conversations between artists from supported studios, peers and arts professionals

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Blog Artist

Swallows: A Virtual Residency

Virtual Artist Residency with Louisa Chambers (UK), Edy Fung (IE/SE), Tracy Mackenna (SCO/IT) & Edwin Janssen (NL), Danica Maier (USA/UK), Michelle McKeown (IE/UK), Stefanos Pavlakis (GR/DE)

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Blog Artist

Artist Animation Film-Making

   I applied to the a-n Artist Bursary scheme to fund a two-pronged training programme to help develop my skills as a self-taught film-maker using animation. The first part was to fund me being mentored by two artist film makers […]

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Work by Erna Elínbjörg Skúladóttir at European Ceramics in Context 2018, photography by Elaine Bolt
Blog Artist

Interviewing Sculptors

With funding from an A-N bursary I met and interviewed five sculptors working in the field of ceramics.

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Alinah Azadeh. Performance still.
Blog Artist

Coming out for air ..

Why I applied for an AN bursary and how it is helping create a stepchange in my practice.

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Blog Artist

Creative Practice as a means of Problem Solving

I was recently asked to give a talk about starting out an art practice in Dumfries and Galloway, to a group of young artists – blueprint100 at the Stove. I’ve learned to avoid these experiences as I am usually far […]

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Blog Artist

All that Glitters

A-N Artist Bursary to develop experience in investment casting & finishing process with Scartworks, a foundry based in Ormskirk, Lancashire.

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Orto Botanico
Blog Artist

Manifesta 12

Reflections on the opening of Manifesta 12, supported by an a-n Biennial Bursary.

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Jamboree - SAVE THE DATE 28th June - 1st July
Blog Arts organiser

Jamboree 2018 blog

A blog giving a behind the scenes look at Jamboree 2018, an artist-led gathering of 150 artists and curators

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Blog Artist

The Dead Are A Job

Reflecting on the ‘Maggie monument’ debate and commemorative arts as an artist working today

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Blog Artist

Joanna Kirk Interviews Victoria Rance

Artist Joanna Kirk interviews sculptor Victoria Rance ahead of a ten-year retrospective of her work, ‘Victoria Rance | The Night Horse and The Holy Baboon’ to be held at The Cello Factory, Waterloo 23-30 October 2017.

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Blog Artist

Clare Holdstock StudioBook 2017 a-n Bursary

I am one of twelve artists selected for Mark Devereux Projects’ StudioBook 2017 and one of five artists selected to receive an a-n bursary to support the costs of StudioBook.

This blog contains my reflections on the lead up to, during and after the Studiobook 2017 programme.

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Blog Artist

Artists Residency in Motherhood

This blog will chart my artists residency in motherhood. I will attempt to write once a week for the next 52 weeks and to describe the frustrations, joys and discoveries of practicing at being an artist and a mother.

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