I volunteer to curate a mini community art gallery in a telephone box. The kiosk is owned by the Parish Council and I lease it. No advertising is allowed and they object to an artist putting up “commissions taken” as […]
Hi all! I’m relatively new to Artist Network and instead of a post about me, I thought I’d see if anyone was willing to give their thoughts on offering work or services for free – to be clear, I’m not […]
Can anyone answer this one for me? Do commissions on gallery sales count as an allowable business expense? I’m struggling to find any reference to this online, and this seems to fall in the gaps of the basic hmrc guidance. […]
Hi Everyone I hope your all well under the current circumstances. Im new here and this being my first post I hope someone can help me. After 36 years as an employed graphic /product designer and illustrator, I am now […]
Hi I’ve been asked to illustrate a book cover, my friend has written it. I don’t normally take commissions, she has explained that she doesn’t have a budget. However, I’m not willing to do it for nothing. I have no […]
For those down here at the pointy end that haven’t seen it. https://www.theboxplymouth.com/blog/press-release/covid-19-art-commissions
Hello A.N Community. I have been looking around the internet for some help with self-assessments and tax returns for creatives. In this day and age, I find myself transitioning from creating work to sell, working on commissions, running workshops, […]