You searched for paying artists - a-n The Artists Information Company


‘Artfacts’ artists ranking website

I have been paying a subscription to this ARTFACTS website (based in germany i think) which now has a verified exhibition history of my career dating back 30 years all of which I have uploaded. I pay a substantial subscription […]

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Studio fees – back payment

Hi could anyone please offer any guidance. I am one of 30+ artists in shared studio in London. Previously owned by Carillion who kept our deposits and then by the council who have failed to offer contracts for the past […]

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Artist’s pensions

I recently became full time self employed after many years of doing various other jobs to support my art.  Just wondered what other artists do about pensions – I’m not paying into anything anymore so probably need to sort something […]

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Should publicly-funded galleries have a published exhibitions policy?

As part of the Paying artists advocacy materials I am researching examples of openly-published exhibition policies on the websites for publicly-funded galleries. I have come across some – for example and  that provide some useful information. I thought […]

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