Luxuriously unfurling and extending all petals and foliage, the bright warmth disarms any misgivings and tempts even the shyest from their night time closets. Some are stunned, standing upright, letting themselves ease into this rare reality. Others immediately bounce and […]
After my art residency, I travelled to Athens to meet my wife. We wandered around the city and found a giant meat market in Athens. I felt quite nauseous, and it made a good subject to draw. A few days […]
Final weekend of the the embroidery course. I have really enjoyed it even when things haven’t gone to plan (white embroidery). It has certainly gotten me thinking about skill(s) and material(s) in different ways. On the wall in the studio […]
I had resigned myself to the fact there was too much else going on in my life to actually start making anything new. But it seems that my back-burner of a brain had other ideas… I’ve been doing the course […]
I’ve decided I’m going to try to show 16 works, and this means I need to make another 4. I think I have enough time before the show, if I try to make one per day. Here’s one I did […]
Feathery wisps of seed heads sweep up and around in the breeze, and catch in the vibrant petals as they flutter and dance. Too light and frothy to really give themselves a destination, they literally take life as it comes. […]
its tough – being honest with one self about where one is. the gap between the real and the aspiration. i came to add another post where i write about the infinite struggle and all that goes with it. another […]