Everything & More
The Old School Room, West Coker
15 – 30 September 2012
The Old School Room, West Coker
15 – 30 September 2012
Day 6 Artist and gallery visits. Following a coulple of days discussing as a group methods of fundraising and grant proposal writing we ventured out into Berlin to visit a couple of artists and a project space. Visits to artists, […]
September Crits – Part 1 The other week, Katie Goodwin and myself hosted a peer critique session at ASC Studios. This was the third in our post MA Wimbledon roving salon/crit series. We were a little overdue with this one, […]
As The Manchester Contemporary art fair gets underway, we take a tour and talk to some of the galleries taking part this year.
Recently I have been re-visiting Arthur Koestler’s 1964 classic ‘The Act of Creation’. It’s over 700 pages so I have only ever dipped in here and there, and I’m sure it must be very dated in art theory terms. Nevertheless […]
One week before the exhibitions kick off and only now, am I thinking about publicity. It has taken an enormous amount of work to set up these two exhibitions and I feel absolutely drained. So apologies for going down the […]
It had a been a long wait to start my PhD since receiving notification about my AHRC funding in June, but the day was finally here. Armed with a new pencil case, I walked to university, excited to begin the […]
Days 2 and 3 At the beginning of day two we were divided into three groups. Each group was given the assignment of devising a hypothetical proposal for a site specific event, exhibition or project at a designated location in […]
So this is how things stood at the end of year four. Six collaborators, six throws of the dice, six excursions into unknown territory. Six ‘detours’. Detour 1 – Stella threw a number 4 and was handed a dictionary of […]
Busy times, getting used to being back in my own studio after such a long time. It is wonderful. Despite the fact that I thought that I would be revisiting the work I was making with dolls, I am continuing […]
Day 1 – So today was the first working day of the residency. Hangovers all round (a result of last night’s welcome party) aided the group’s camaraderie in a weird way. There are 10 residents in total, 2 of which […]
A good morning of making, thinking and talking for my piece for the SCIBase ‘Inhospitable’ show at Bridewell Studios for the Independents Liverpool Biennial. Can I be honest? I’m not keen on themed shows. Too often I feel like a […]
A little bit of history – where I come from. I have never studied art or photography my background at school and university was always science and I never really thought about studying art or photography. Having done all this […]
Untitled (Firewall) which was showing at Airspace Gallery in Stoke-on-Trent came down last week, I was super pleased with it! I’ve never been more worried about a show in the weeks running up to it, I was concerned about making […]
I am tired; it has been a busy week. My head is swimming with the tasks for my Swedish course (finish reading a novel that I only bought last week, learn all the tenses of 10 irregular verbs, write and […]
MEAUSURING THE EXPERIENCE – 10 Does a studio group or any other artist-led resource provide anything more than affordable space or access to equipment? As my Survey of group studio provision [1]indicated, nearly half of studio groups are involved in […]
NewBridge Fieldwork ::: Berlin ::: September 2012 NewBridge Fieldwork is the first part of a new project and collaboration between The NewBridge project, (Newcastle upon Tyne) and Berlinerpool (Berlin). The intentions of the project are to promote and develop new […]
Last night there was an opening in the gallery here at the studios – a painting show. It was very nice to find myself speaking with one of artists (a Finn living in Berlin) and realising that we know some […]
After 3 gruelling days in court the Judge has managed to make sense of a badly drafted lease. He has also accepted the Factory Company have been charging for items which cannot be recovered through the service charge. This includes […]
Invigilation (Part 1) Before. I came in early and have done the rounds, turning on a huge variety of technical equipment. Some people have left brilliant instructions, some people none. Some appliances (sorry Bo) due to my incompetence probably, have […]
I still seem to be playing catch up after the holiday; there’s a real sense that I’m clearing the decks in preparation for some hard work ahead. I feel in limbo with regards to 10 x 10 as there’s nothing […]
Different Expectations What do people expect from Open Studios? Well, we have just had back the results of our Artist and Visitor Surveys for Forth Valley Open Studios, an event now in its third year. It has thrown up some […]