‘it starts with embarrassment and ends with hope’ I’ve just been watching Damien Hirst ‘The First Look’ on TV – an interview about his forthcoming exhibition at Tate Modern and I’ve pinched (in the spirit of his art) this quote […]
Tomorrow will be the start of my first residency! Hailing from just outside London and residing in Hatch Space, I am curious about the amount of space and empty buildings as my Megabus rolled off the motorway and into Liverpool. […]
So today i’ve visited the galleries that I wanted to visit but hadn’t. AKBank gallery (there’s quite a few galleries linked to banks here) have a show called Aftermath. Really good 2 channel video about 2 places on the Caspian […]
Former Waygood Gallery and Studios relaunches as Baltic outpost.
Day two of the big clear out. Scary moment this morning when the council representative informed me that I would have to start paying business rates as I had changed studios. All sorted. The studio block is on the side […]
Platform A Gallery, Middlesbrough
1 – 31 March 2012
Many are the means by which happiness is delivered to the human soul. For me, I like finding money in the washing machine. It’s like an accidental, imaginary savings fund. An ominous clink revealing itself to be the joyful chime […]
Artist, horticulturist and a-n Communications and partnerships team member Maggie Tran sowed the seeds of her practice through volunteering and event programming. As working life flourishes she takes us to the tip of her roots to tell the tale.
Day 3 I think I’m too giddy to write – just skyped into a meeting in Liverpool from Istanbul. Various artists studios, collectives and organisations were meeting to talk about Liverpool Art Month, which we’ll be part of in May, […]
Sorry to have been lax in writing my blog. Ridiculously busy with 5 part time jobs. 1. Mum to 2 (hardest work) 2. Activity Plan Manager (my paid day job) 3. Lecturer (filling in on some sessions on my old […]
The following is a proposal of my work for the degree show. We each presented our work so that we could have an idea of work that could be invasive and keep track of what each person is doing. Everyone […]
Well, the most exciting news this week is that I am goin to Berlin for two months in June and July. I will be in a life work space in Milch Hof studios in Prenzlaurberg. It is such a great […]
This week was the opening of our collective pre-degree show exhibition, ‘Yoke’. For this show each student was asked to submit at least one object that was representative of their practice (after some deliberation, mentioned in a previous post, I […]
It’s been a productive if tiring week, finishing off bits and bobs in the studio as well as writing exhibition proposals and filling in lots of forms. On the plus side, I’ve completed my cut-board series of paintings, as well […]
Work on the cardall collection residency continues! I’ve started work on the second edition of the publicaton that was released @ the start of the residency. It is an evolved version of this first edition with extra pages and outdated […]
Just returned from a long weekend at my sister’s shiny new home in south Devon. I’ve been planning to go since September, but with open studios, The Case and bronchitis it has been difficult to find a weekend which suited […]
University of Incidental Knowledge Staff Show March Wakefield Artwalk: Wednesday 28th March 2012, 5-9pm Westgate Studios Project Space, 55 Westgate, Wakefield, WF1 1BW, UK A group exhibition by the University of Incidental Knowledge course leaders: Louise Atkinson (BA Hons Comedy […]
March Wakefield Artwalk: Wednesday 28th March 2012, 5-9pm Westgate Studios, 55 Westgate, Wakefield, WF1 1BW, UK In the Project Space: University of Incidental Knowledge Staff Show A group exhibition by the University of Incidental Knowledge course leaders: Louise Atkinson (BA […]
We catch up with Clare Mills in the third year of her Fine Art degree at Norwich University College of the Arts, to talk about teaching and the printing process as it corrolates with researched subject matter.
Since November 2011, I have been running a monthly Artist Practice Session at Rogue Project Space, Manchester. The format runs very similarly to the crit session that I organised in London with my peers that also graduated from Goldsmiths, and […]
Newspaper interview again today. They wanted to know how I felt about being given some money, and what I was going to do with it. Overjoyed of course, especially as I hadn’t actually asked for any money so it was […]