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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "a networked practice"

Cardall Collection Residency continued today… I’ve also been working towards things for it as well as just conducting research! I’ve made animated GIFs, and have started work on an evolved version of the publication I sent out. I’ve began working […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Coleg Sir Gar"

Our degree show work hand in is 18th May, so there is around two months to get everything together. My paintings are slowly getting there now. I have another exhibition lined up next week so will be putting in three […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "University of Brighton"

I’ve been designing a few different gallery spaces based around our studios which will become our gallery in the degree show. I’ve been struggling to decide what I want to achieve from a space and so have created a few […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "“Emerging” as an Artist…"

Visiting Art Studios in Glasgow. October 20, 2007: “Room by room, picture by picture an image was painted in my mind. Some had larger spaces than others, some more organised spaces…others a collage of mess, spreading itself across the floor […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "a networked practice"

I’ve been in Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum constantly for a few weeks now; working on the install of Henry Moore in the Art Councl Collection. It looks good and has been increadbly popular over the past few days […]

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The Beginning

The Beginning

Nadine Talalla & Jason Gibilaro, 'The Beginning', Image of artwork in situ, 2012. Courtesy: Southwark Studios. Image: Left hand side Nadine Talalla, Battle of the Snakes, 2012, mixed media on canvas, 122cm x 183cm. Right hand side Jason Gibilaro, Meltdown, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 110cm x 155cm.
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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Coleg Sir Gar"

Hey, so my paintings are shaping up a bit now. I had originally aimed to have around thirty large paintings to choose from to have in my final show but for a number of reasons I think I will aim […]

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Triangle Network Conference 2011
Resource Archive Discussion

Triangle Network Conference

Pippa Koszerek and Eleonora Schinella consider relationships between artists, activism and social justice following the 2011 Triangle Network conference in London.

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Feedback session at OpenAIR
Resource Archive Feature

Artists effecting change

February saw the inaugural OpenAIR: Effecting Change members forum take place at Firstsite, Colchester as well as State of the Arts, Arts Council England’s (ACE) annual conference, which had Artists’ Shaping the World’ as its theme. Emily Speed, Jack Hutchinson and Gillian Nicol give their views of these events.

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Bird and Moon
Resource Archive Feature

Artist in residence

From subsidised studio and accommodation to one-on-one mentoring sessions, here we spotlight a selection of residencies that provide support to artists across the UK and beyond.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Diary of an artist writer online"

Some of the most exciting installations these days come out of South America. Having just returned form Aruba, off the Venezuelan coast, I was impressed by this huge float, winner of their 2011 Carnival. The theme for the carnival was […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Westgate Studio"

For the January 2012 Wakefield Artwalk, #tweetart took over studio A6 at Westgate Studios. Contributors: @peepart @duncan_lister @alicebradshaw @Corr_ @effmilner @Almighty_faye @albanart @emmagraney @anna_milner Send us some #tweetart for the March 2012 Wakefield Artwalk! More about #tweetart and submission details: […]

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