Cardall Collection Residency continued today… I’ve also been working towards things for it as well as just conducting research! I’ve made animated GIFs, and have started work on an evolved version of the publication I sent out. I’ve began working […]
Our degree show at Brighton opens to the public on 9th June. We however, must have all our work installed and ready by 25th May, so that it can be marked by external examiners. Writing this out makes it seem […]
Our degree show work hand in is 18th May, so there is around two months to get everything together. My paintings are slowly getting there now. I have another exhibition lined up next week so will be putting in three […]
So much to say I don’t know where to start. Last time I posted I failed to mention my meeting with Helaine Blumenfeld, which was fantastic. I had the honour of seeing her studios in Pietrasanta; she is certainly prolific […]
One of the most predominant ideas in my research has been the idea of discovery within a gallery or museum and the feeling of getting lost among the work (such as the Buren research mentioned in my last post). My […]
“Hi Rosie, forgive me if I state something you have covered earlier, I have not yet had time to review all your posts. I have skimmed this most recent page and it strikes me that your plan drawings make for […]
I’ve been designing a few different gallery spaces based around our studios which will become our gallery in the degree show. I’ve been struggling to decide what I want to achieve from a space and so have created a few […]
It is five years since I was researching studios. I was given some sound advise from studio managers in Leeds, Nottingham and Southwell Artspace. I was told to ensure the structure and paperwork was in place from the start.. This […]
To prepare ourselves for our degree show our tutor has set us a small project; to put on an exhibition in a display cabinet that is outside our studios. For this exhibition each of us must provide at least one […]
We had an exhibition at the beginning of February for all second years. There was some really amazing work! It was so interesting to see what every one has done so far as don’t always find the time to look […]
ABOUT SCULPTURE 2012 An exhibition by 15 final year students on Fine Art Sculpture and Time Based Media from Manchester School of Art. Our work varies in style, material, and concepts. Sculpture 2012 will be holding weekly exhibitions in the […]
The Take Down Space Tonight saw the opening of an event that was the second of a series of exhibitions held in the Take Down Space located in the sculpture studios. The first exhibition (and opening of the space) featured […]
Visiting Art Studios in Glasgow. An Intro: To blog or not to blog; I am posting this as my first entry, as an introduction to my path as a practising Artist…as it really illustrates my own personal journey in the […]
Visiting Art Studios in Glasgow. October 20, 2007: “Room by room, picture by picture an image was painted in my mind. Some had larger spaces than others, some more organised spaces…others a collage of mess, spreading itself across the floor […]
I’ve been in Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum constantly for a few weeks now; working on the install of Henry Moore in the Art Councl Collection. It looks good and has been increadbly popular over the past few days […]
Nadine Talalla & Jason Gibilaro, 'The Beginning', Image of artwork in situ, 2012. Courtesy: Southwark Studios. Image: Left hand side Nadine Talalla, Battle of the Snakes, 2012, mixed media on canvas, 122cm x 183cm. Right hand side Jason Gibilaro, Meltdown, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 110cm x 155cm.
Hey, so my paintings are shaping up a bit now. I had originally aimed to have around thirty large paintings to choose from to have in my final show but for a number of reasons I think I will aim […]
Pippa Koszerek and Eleonora Schinella consider relationships between artists, activism and social justice following the 2011 Triangle Network conference in London.
February saw the inaugural OpenAIR: Effecting Change members forum take place at Firstsite, Colchester as well as State of the Arts, Arts Council England’s (ACE) annual conference, which had Artists’ Shaping the World’ as its theme. Emily Speed, Jack Hutchinson and Gillian Nicol give their views of these events.
Access to professional development is vital to artists’ careers, so here’s something we think will help.
From subsidised studio and accommodation to one-on-one mentoring sessions, here we spotlight a selection of residencies that provide support to artists across the UK and beyond.
Some of the most exciting installations these days come out of South America. Having just returned form Aruba, off the Venezuelan coast, I was impressed by this huge float, winner of their 2011 Carnival. The theme for the carnival was […]
For the January 2012 Wakefield Artwalk, #tweetart took over studio A6 at Westgate Studios. Contributors: @peepart @duncan_lister @alicebradshaw @Corr_ @effmilner @Almighty_faye @albanart @emmagraney @anna_milner Send us some #tweetart for the March 2012 Wakefield Artwalk! More about #tweetart and submission details: […]
Sometimes I hate my own work, especially when I feel as though it’s been too heavily influenced by what I think I should be doing for this degree. I hate it so much I consider throwing either it or myself […]
Photos from Stephen White – Checker Board Days at Westgate Studios Project Space, Wakefield, 25/01/12 – 09/02/12 (Part 1/3)