During the 10 years or so I spent, either studying or working, at art college, I noticed that every year work was being wasted. After the degree show, the left-overs from the previous three years generally ended up (as a […]
It’s Burns Night and my thoughts are turning again to Robbie Burn’s poem, ‘To A Mouse.’ It’s one of my favourites and I’ve quoted it here before because of its uncanny relevance to what’s been happening in my life. The […]
‘Ladders for development’ argues that the visual arts sector should pull together and support small visual arts organisations cut by Arts Council England because they “punch above their weight” and provide vital development of future artists. Six months on, Dany Louise interviews these arts organisations again, to find out how they’ve fared and what their futures hold.
I can hardly believe Forth Valley Open Studios have come around again. How things have changed! We are now a registered C.I.C. (Community Interest Company). en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_interest_company Already it has resulted in a streamlining of our operations. We have a core […]
I’ve had a really good day at university today – it was an art exchange day when we got to work in the studios and get feedback from other students and all the fine art lecturers. It was initiated in […]
I am shocked that my asialink residency in China has come to an end. Its been an amazing time, where I have felt like I have lived here, and its strange to think about leaving and to think about life […]
Wakefield Artwalk 25/01/12 Westgate Studios Project Space: Stephen White: Check Board Days A solo show featuring original hand pulled screen prints, original paintings and limited edition T-shirts by the Sheffield based artist Stephen White at Westgate Studio, Wakefield. For this […]
After the degree Show Oct 11 The Degree Show finished towards the end of June and then over the first 4 weeks I focused on entering formal competitions: New Sensations, The Jerwood Drawing Prize & Great Britons. I also made […]
I lived in London for seven years. I moved down there to study Fine Art, and went on to discover a passion for writing. By the end of my Masters, I found myself in a bit of a black hole. […]
3 January 2012 Back at my desk for the New Year and tackling the backlog of emails. This is the last week of our lovely exhibitions, Michael Craig-Martin’s Alphabet prints and Telling Tales: Story Scrolls from India. I’ll be getting […]
Emily Speed kicked off a very lovely round up of personal achievements of the year gone by a few years ago on a-n and a few of us followed suit. One can find it hard to talk about achievements but […]
CCA Andratx (Majorca), Andratx
29 September 2011 – 4 March 2012
I have been getting small work done in my sketchbook. I have signed up for South East Open Studios next year (good for local marketing and networking as well as sales). Today I will be getting together my “art-kit” for […]
Its weeks since I last updated my blog so what’s happened? Well, I guess it’s been a period of introspection and the realisation that my blog is not focused enough. Ever since I joined Blipfoto.com – where you put up […]
We have a raft of professionals who have written witness statements of truth for our case. They include people qualified in buildings and planning as well as experienced professionals involved in the arts. Our ducks have been lined up since […]
I am still struggling to sort out video editing facilities although I may look into joining the WFA in Hulme (http://www.wfamedia.co.uk/). I don’t know why but organised facilities always intimidate me and I worry that I don’t know enough technically. […]
During October, we had freed up time for kiln building but as the decision to house the kiln outside the stable block had been taken we had to wait for the builders to complete their restoration of the roof. This […]
Winter Wonderland Wednesday 30th November 2011 (Wakefield Artwalk) In response to an open call for festive “trimmings” of any shape, size and material, artists sent work from across the UK as well as Germany, Brazil and the US for WINTER […]
Next to Nothing: On the Price of Nothing and the Value of Everything (contniued) The relationship between the strategies of art and display is also brought out in Charlotte A. Morgan’s works, in the context of physical structures and social […]
This letter regarding the Artist’s Resale Right appeared in The Times, December 2011.
The Beginning It seems apt to restart a blog right now. One million things have happened over the days since I have left posted. In a tumultuous 48 hours, the studios where I and Core Gallery were housed were lost […]
So, all works been handed in for assessments (hence my infrequent posts) and the studios are out of bounds for three days. WHAT WILL I DO WITH MYSELF?!. Write on here of course…. Its a particularly cold day in Cardiff […]
Have been translating, bid writing and am also in the middle of applying for a residency. Husband has had a bad back for over a week so I’m marching him off to the doctor when he gets home – didn’t […]
I’ve been surprised by how many times my thoughts have turned to this blog over the past few days. I wonder if the absence of colleagues at the studio to mull things over with is having an effect. Dialogue has […]
We went out to Gunes Terkol’s opening at the organhaus Gallery last night. Before, we dashed into our local little restaurant for a quick bite. Pablo seems to have shifted into comfort mode here – off to see the people […]