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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Project Me"

The tax office (Swedish) called while I was on my way to the supermarket. They needed to ask a couple of simple questions to approve my application to register my company. The first was to clarify the type of artistic […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Residency at Arena Studios"

I found out today that I can start a month long residency at Arena Studios in Liverpool, with the use of a studio space and with an exhibition at the end of the residency (begining of December). I’m travelling over […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Project Me"

On Tuesday I’m going to see one of the Stockholm City’s artists’ studios. The city has a number of studios that periodically come up for rent. It’s highly unlikely that I will have a chance of getting this studio as […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Planning rules should promote the arts

Through a letter published in the Sunday Telegraph, 2 October, a consortium of arts bodies including a-n called for inclusion of arts and culture in National Planning Policy Framework.

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Venn of Connectedness, Twitter Followers 270/24.08.11
Resource Archive News archive

Venn of connectedness

Manchester-based artist Jacqueline Wylie is researching ways in which artists use social media.

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We're no longer seeing, but reading
Resource Archive Feature

Artists talking… talking!

Andrew Bryant discusses a new series of events that take Artists talking ‘out of the virtual and into the actual’.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "EVERYDAY ADVENTURES"

I have started this blog because of a suggestion from a friend who also writes a blog. I hope the process of documenting what I’m doing and my thoughts about it will be useful to me in someway. STUDIO I […]

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