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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Artist in Residence"

Had a nice day at the centre yesterday with Carolyn. With the Library being closed, it was predictably very quiet, but then, we were warned about that. I wonder how other residencies fare ? Looking through some of the blogs, […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Work in Progress"

Feeling precarious! The penultimate term has ended, we have a two week ‘break’ to complete our disseretations which are due in on the 25th July. It’s then full go on our MA show work, in our exhibition spaces until our […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "IN/OUT STUDIO"

Feeling a little pissed off with myself for not writing my blog until now. I have been working full time in the shop for the past two weeks, which has left me little time to think/make/do my work. We had […]

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Good Guys Don't Make Decent Artwork
Resource Profile

Bob Milner

Serial collaborators and Artists talking bloggers Alice Bradshaw and Bob Milner  co-curate the Project Space at Westgate Studios, Wakefield. Here in the first of two interviews, Alice interviews Bob about DIY practice, collaboration and public funding. Next month, Bob interviews Alice.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "blue"

what is performance? day before the performance and I’m still nursing an old dance injury its strange, i had felt it coming for weeks and then walking too many hills, it just said enough is enough i guess so with […]

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Resource Archive Feature

Big picture – 2011 July

Phoebe Cummings, Flora, detail from the floor of the residency studio, Victoria & Albert Museum, unfired clay, 2010. Photo: Sylvain Deleu

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