Vale Art Trail and Open Houses
Vale of Evesham -
May 21, 2011 -
May 30, 2011 -
West Midlands
So finally I have given into having a studio and so far it feels really good. I was a bit unsure whether I would actually use it regularly but I have got into a habit of coming twice a week […]
The meeting with Yu-Chen Wang last week was really lovely and I was in a particularly good mood in my birthday sunshine! I went to visit her at the Chinese Arts Centre and happily got to nosey round the residency […]
All is arranged for the first chapter of The Count of Monte Cristo. “Island of True Stories” opens at Exeter Phoenix on 1st April. http://www.exeterphoenix.org.uk/galleries/?page=2 A van has been organised, I have posted the dvds (Annabel is frantically painting again) […]
Sarah Rowles examines how conversation and discussion can be considered an education in contemporary art.
While working on the photographs from Westgate Studios have been thinking about the impact might cameras have on our understandings and expectations. There are a prolific amount of images surrounding us, a constant kaleidoscope or slide show of images. Replicating […]
Well I’ve had a very busy week. After a successful interview for a studio at S1 (see last blog) they offered me a studio (yay!) and I was really surprised how big and fantastic the studio was. As it was […]
The Islington Mill Art Academy was set up by students for students. It is an unaccredited, collectively run higher education experience.
Yesterday was our move-in day to studio A6. Bob is making us some DIY tables from some rescued boards (pictured). I’m considering removing all the chips from the woodchip wallpaper. Or as wikipedia prefers, ingrain wallpaper; invented by German pharmacist […]
A selection of projects that focus on the development of artists’ practice and their engagement with local communities.
Some of the socially engaged / collaborative/ participatory /relational projects we are following: >>> In London: Communal Knowledge / The Showroom http://www.theshowroom.org/local.html?id=47 The Cut / [ s p a c e ] http://www.spacestudios.org.uk/whats-on/events/the… Edgware Road Project / The Serpentine Gallery […]
One thing has been bothering me about this blog was the adjustment needed when using a different weblog. (I have been using a WordPress now for over 3 years and wasn’t really aware of how comfortable it had become until […]
Yesterday was my second residency day at Wakefield Studios. I met several more of Wakefield’s studio holders, including Paula Tod http://www.axisweb.org/seCVPG.aspx?ARTISTID=4862 hose studio I was able to spend some time in and photograph. Spent the first hour or so yesterday […]
The question of artist studios keeps coming back. This is what I’m thinking about at the moment: In 1964 Lucas Samaras moved the contents of his studio-bedroom into a gallery space where it was displayed as an artwork entitled Room […]
Busy, busy, busy… The “Open West” private view last weekend was great – the show was thoughtfully curated and the work was really varied. The award winners were Shan Hur, Helen Murgatroyd, Ellen Nolan and David Theobald – and they […]
Alice Bradshaw & Bob Milner are artists currently undertaking a 12 month residency in a shared studio space at Westgate Studios in Wakefield. As artists who also curate, they are also producing a number of temporary exhibitions, events and zines […]
After a difficult financial period and following many internal changes Westgate Studios ceased operating as a managed organisation in 2010. Following a thorough search for alternative premises in order to keep the core groups of people together, artists have begun […]
Open Call for Proposals: Temporary Art Show 3 Who: Artists working in any country with any medium. What: Following on from Temporary Art Show (Bates Mill, Huddersfield, 2008), Temporary Art Space (Piece Hall, Halifax, 2009) and Warehouse Weekend (Bates Mill, […]
Studios available for rent: Studios have 24hr access, disabled access and a project space for developing and showing work. Prices range from £95.00 to £167.00 per month. The price includes water, electricity and wi-fi. The studios are self-contained units with […]
In this few weeks since my last blog I’ve not done any actual practical work but have made leaps and bounds in reference to my overall practice. I’ve applied for a studio, turned down the residency in Sheffield, been to […]