Dorset Art Weeks 2010
'Bubble Trouble' -
May 29, 2010 -
June 13, 2010 -
South West England
This weekend was pretty relaxing… I deliberately didn’t do any school work or freelance work, but instead did some introductory research into the existing gallery scene in Philadelphia and the types of businesses in existence in the specific area of […]
Open Studios. Day One. Balloons out. Signs up. Walls painted. Mass lobelia established. It’s been an hour; Where is everybody? Day one update. Thank you to everybody who tore themselves away from their own gardens on such a fine day […]
I sometimes worry that my blog is a bit negative with all the legal rubbish that’s kicked off. So it was a relief to read Becky Hunter’s comments … and that my experiences haven’t put her off setting up studios […]
Michael Bold exhibiting along with fellow students at Staffordshire University, Cadman Studios 11th June to 19th June. Recent use of video has allowed me to create spectacles from visually dissimilar and often mundane materials. I am consistently interested in reframing […]
GALLERY/STUDIOS: Yesterday I read through the whole of Jackie Berridge’s a-n studio blog (2007-2010) and was amazed at the hard slog she has been through to get the studios to where they are today. What an inspirational woman. And still […]
Forth Valley Open Studios Our opening exhibition to launch the first Forth Valley Open Studios ( we are in central Scotland since you ask) takes place this Friday. Tonight we have the last committee meeting before the event. So far […]
Anarchy in the UK This morning on my way to college suddenly there came on my pod player one Sex Pistols song. As soon as I heard the first line “I am an antichrist, I am an anarchist” I went […]
‘We Are Here’, an exhibition organised by a new generation of curators opened at the Wallner Gallery, Lakeside, Nottingham yesterday. The 14 -22 yr olds selected work from the huge pool of talent found in Nottingham’s many studio groups and […]
Favourite Drive Thru’s: 1) Farnborough Gate – Rusthless efficiency, a handy proximity and Comet and Curry’s for a bit of window shopping on a Sunday morning. Marc, if your listening, lets do breakfast. 2) Chichester – Breakfast on the way […]
Exploring research options on offer to post-graduate students at a selection of UK-based universities and art schools.
Contents include: Post-graduate research options plus art fairs and open studios features; The new politics in Debate; Collaborative relationships features artist Volkhardt Müller and Spacex project coordinator Martha Crean discussing a participatory project in Exeter. PDF version [size 5 MB]. […]
An email from an artist with a studio at wip:sthlm reminded me that I haven’t mentioned the outcome of my PhD application. I didn’t make the short list. I also didn’t get a place on the Professional Artists’ Project Programme. […]
4 HMS artists were selected from local studios to show at the Wallner Gallery, Lakeside, Nottingham by Young Curators. This is a project run by the Lakeside Arts Centre for 14 -22 yr olds. I wasn’t chosen, but I had […]
Forth Valley Open Studios Life has been so hectic recently that have not had time to update my blogs. Cathy Peattie, MSP for Grangemouth, has agreed to open the launch exhibition for Forth Valley Open Studios on June 4th in […]
In this insecure and heady world of art and creativity, I and Elizabeth as spearhead and momentum gatherer of many people’s ideas at Cor Blimey helped establish a gallery ,created in two shows so far, in two months , that […]
Gallery Dreaming… In order to be permanently closer to my partner (he’s a US citizen) I’ve decided to move to Philadelphia, USA. But I’m still committed to doing a PhD in the UK if the AHRC will bless me with […]
This blogging lark is hard work. I suppose I knew it would be, talking about my work instead of producing it. I feel I have slipped into a time management nightmare. Preparations for the open studios are not helping; The […]
Theft of a cable delayed the train home last night. I had been in London, along with most of the Southwell Artists, to collect our runners up certificate for our Big Draw event at the Minster last October. Amongst the […]
Angelika Seik berates artists for “not having the sense to organise themselves into a union” (Letters, a-n Magazine, May 2010). Of course as visual artists north of the border are well aware the Scottish Artists Union formally constituted as a […]
Apologies for previous slightly cryptic entry, been a bit tough these last few weeks. So much to do, so many pieces to pull together, so much to focus on…. then some bad news turns up and I wonder what the […]