19th February 2010 Friday, 4am – Fire starts in offices at rear of Green Door Studios where I have studio space. It spreads into the studios and fire engines are called to Kendfal from across South Cumbria, an aerial crane […]
This blog follows the reaction to a fire in the building where Green Door Studios was located. The building on Highgate in Kendal, Cumbria had been the studio premises for the artists’ collective since it was established in 1995.
19th February 2010 – 4am A fire starts in offices connected to the rear of the Green Door Studios. It spreads into the studio building and the upper floor is mostly burnt out. The remaining areas are affected by smoke, […]
19th Feb Jill rings me throughout the day. She is outside the building and talking to fire fighters and police and gleaning information. It’s thought to be arson. This emerges during the day as a window is found removed from […]
20th February I drive into Kendal and park up away from the blocked off area. Walking towards the studios along Highgate – it’s deserted – the high crane brought in from Barrow in Furness dominates the sky line. By now […]
Mobile art I have been so busy with Forth Valley Open Studios that I have had little time to promote my exhibition. Fortunately the Press Officer, Frank Sullivan, for Stirling University Innovation Park produced an excellent press release which generated […]
Glasgow’s museums, galleries, streets, bridges and hidden spaces will showcase the work of national and international artists when Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art returns in April 2010, building on the success of the 2008 Festival.
I just can’t wait to get into the studio! I pick up the keys on Friday and my palms are itching. Since I finished my residency in January, i have been frustrated by my lack of production. I am not […]
Time is slipping away So I am now back at the studios and have had a clear out in the space to focus on the objects and the final performance for the end of my residency. I am torn between […]
I love being in the studios. The opportunity to interact with so many creative people, to chat about every thing from art to last nights tv, is something I shall miss after graduation. I think that we all underestimate the […]
Let me fill you in on where I am at the moment… I am in my final semester at The University of Wolverhampton studying Glass – which I love! I am currently working on two pieces to go into the […]
25th January ‘I have begun a test piece of scrimshaw on the goose bone bangles. More difficult than I thought. I hope practice makes perfect. Have set the eyes in the bangles – they look good. I will send photo […]
Donna Scultura (Women Sculpture) This morning I went to the opening of the women’s scultpture show – an annual show they have of 4 prominent female sculptors working in Pietrasanta now in its 8th year – which they always schedule […]
Have been frantically busy with Forth Valley Open Studios – we are up and running now with a fantastic committee of people with a wide range of expertise including business, marketing and PR skills. My solo exhibition officially opens tomorrow […]
Meeting New Artists I have been introduced to some really interesting artists some have studios at 501 or in the local area others are here just for the New Year holidays. I met Zhou Yumei an installation and performance artist […]
Warning: The Tower is HauntedGhosts of the plantations and overseersloom and creak untilreplaced by Research Studios and the vision of Source ArtistsLifeno longer outsourced Birthed above shark infested watersTamed by the slyness of Red Riding Hood’s Wolfgnashing teeth swallowing greed […]
Today was a great example of a bad day. I have been having a nice week too and was probably feeling a bit too pleased with myself (brought it on myself). School has been good so far and last night […]
International Cleaner The main street, which the studios are on, is so busy with so much activity happening will anyone notice if I did a performance? Does it matter if there is an audience? There is always a market on […]
Well its 2010 and here I am again. I have just re-read my blog. What a strange feeling – mine but not mine, and somehow it all seems such a while ago. I hadn’t really intended to restart the blog […]
Horrendous month! The 4 day project installing a computer system was hit by snow. The first evening it took 2 hours to drive 5 miles home, then kids off school, then van stuck in snow … the whole thing dragged […]
Forth Valley Open Studios We have a date set for this event – 12-20th June and we will be following the format of Perthshire Open Studios. In fact some of their committee members are providing invaluable support and advise. We […]
Forth Valley Open Studios Here’s a sign of the times reflecting on how work has changed: I was talking on the phone to a printer about quotes for our brochure and she immediateley asked for our web-site . Had to […]
‘Taking Time: Craft and the Slow Revolution’, an exhibition from Craftspace curated with maker Helen Carnac, tours from Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery in January to Dovecot Studios in Edinburgh.