Members of Bristol’s biggest artist-led collective Jamaica Street Artists (JSA) have teamed up with Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery for an exhibition and auction that they hope will raise substantial funds towards the purchase of their building.
Artists and curators relate methods of navigating a self-directed exhibiting career.
A curator spotted my paintings on Axis and paid me a visit today. The show is in January and a bit soon, but I’m quite excited as my work is going in the right direction. (Most of my paintings are […]
Well, a month has passed and I’m beginning to realise how much slower things move outside the comfort of the art school environment. I finally graduated at the beginning of November which was great, apart from having to come up […]
The studios are OPEN! A splendid sunny day. All the right people were here. Had a lot of short conversations over the two-hour frantic meet, greet and eat. Pleased to say that the first, tentative, exploratory shoots of project-plan-litmus-testing turn […]
Moot, Nottingham
7 – 30 August 2009
Organisation and Co-Ordination. I am part of the crew of the Cor Blimey Artists helping organise our open studios exhibition, Fraction. 4-6th December. I think there are about 25 of us and I have been collecting info for a press […]
Another studio visit looms. Monika Bobinska and her intern Adam are planning to come to Suffolk to see my work. Apparently I am to be in a show called ‘Cosmic Mysteries’ in Valencia and at the London Art Fair. This […]
I started this blog only a few weeks ago. Seems like another life. Sitting behind a gallery desk, getting my bike stolen, and watching people fall ill. Struggling, hoping and living in a bedsit. Today’s NFASP conference, at the Toynbee […]
We’re off to London tomorrow. Not to see the queen this time, but to attend an annual conference of art-studio providers. I’m expecting to glean huge amounts of useful, practical and inspirational material form this day, and although I’m still […]
It’s here! The wait is over! The studios have a bright red settee, and it’s a thing of comfort and beauty!
Thankfully train problems didn’t prevent me from making it in to Wimbledon completely this week and actually helped me find a cheaper (although not quite so relaxing) alternative route. So I now feel better equipped for future problems. Bring it […]
Where does the time go? I set up my exhibition next Monday, and suddenly realised that I still have a few things to do. Nothing major to force me to stay working until the wee small hours, just lots of […]
What a great night. Is this really work? The opening was at Weyhill studios, and what a place. Once was a time when it was a sheep stables. Now, the little sheep lounges and boudoirs have been converted into a […]
Full of a cold and bundled up on the couch looking at application TO DO TODAY! Just noticed that the debate on the artists talking front page points to my blog at the moment – on the subject of professional […]
Lanchester Gallery Projects, Coventry
30 October – 19 November 2009
I feel I am part of something… arts community, a network. One that I have fought for, cajoled and persuaded people to join or to allow me to join. I now have a handful of wonderful arts mentors and people […]
Time can really drag when you are waiting for something. I am waiting for materials which have got caught up in the postal dispute, waiting for confirmation of meetings, waiting for an important email, waiting for other little odds and […]
As I’ve had time and space to work on ideas for empty shops this year, and as I’ve been able to support others in their work, I’ve become ever more keenly interested in the ideas, inspiration and ideology behind the […]
Introducing the Bronze Casting Residency: So, 2 weeks ago exactly I was facing a selection panel of eminent Sculptors and funders presenting my candidacy for this residency, part of which was a plan to set up a residency blog to […]
Well this morning I started looking for a studio,by this evening any space with running water would do.I can’t believe there is no studios available around my town…God I’m already frustrated.Oh well guess Cherry, my partner, is going to have […]
I had my first final year group crit yesterday which went fairly well. My most recent work is based on experiments with material that are driven by my interest in juxtaposing images. As usual the most interesting part of the […]
Various, London
21 October – 7 November 2009