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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from ""

A few days later, and the dust has started to settle. Examining the nature of a community based residency, and its requirements, we decided to uproot, and move right into the heart of Andover. I think it’s important to be […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Now What?"

My name is Vanessa and I am a bum. Well, not really but i feel like it at the moment. I finished m degree in Fine Art and Spanish at Chester Uni in June and since then things don’t really […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Re: Art is not hardware

I think the issue with this government high street initiative is that it’s not part of a programme which attempts to actively deal with the underlying problems that have caused the recession in the first place.

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Resource Introduction

Artists in empty shops

Dan Thompson from The Revolutionary Arts Group reveals how artists are once again making use of empty spaces as a means to kick-start both the cultural and economic well being of town centres, and suggests seven steps to enable this area of practice to flourish.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Counts and Nuonces"

Today, amongst other things I have to research an idea that I have conjured up with the curator Catherine Hemelryck. We are hatching a plan with hopefully the go ahead from Arts Council Funding to form an elaborate selection of […]

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Micheal O'Connell

Floor Plan

Phoenix Gallery, Brighton5 September – 11 October 2009

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Simulacra And Simulations"

Since I last wrote, things have really started to pick up momentum. An Enterprise Inc meeting made me feel back on the ball again, and as we look forward to the opening of the new Enterprise@Lincoln building, where Sparkhouse businesses […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Counts and Nuonces"

With so many shows on this month, I have barely had time to breather let alone evaluate what has been going on around me. My show at g39, Cardiff has had many visitors and next weekend it sadly comes down. […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Counts and Nuonces"

With so many shows on this month, I have barely had time to breathe let alone evaluate what has been going on around me. My show at g39, Cardiff has had many visitors but next weekend it sadly comes down. […]

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