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Resource Profile

Rachel Garfield

Rachel Garfield explains how a desire to critique dominant models of the mainstream informs her curatorial practice.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Empty Shops Network"

There's a clear line becoming apparent in the emerging empty shops movement. On one side there are artists and organisations who have been engaging with empty spaces for a long time. Often, there's no clearly stated reason – but some […]

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Event Exhibition

Two Degrees

  • Archive
  • Venue:
    Toynbee Studios
  • From:
    June 16, 2009
  • To:
    June 21, 2009
  • Location:
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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Brief Encounter"

Well, four months until the show opens. I attended a talk by T.J. Demos at the newly refurbished Whitechapel Gallery on Thursday on ecology. He spoke about sustainability and its relation to the expansion and stretching of social relations, activities […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Nottingham Trent University"

Sent the catalogue to print today, quite a sense of relief and a different sense of anxiety as it is now out of our hands. Hopefully we will have proofs on Monday, an exciting prospect. I was talking to a […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Kingston University"

Days till Degree Show – 17 So the studios are empty and are being systematially filled by the 2nd years who have their show/assessment in some of the same space. It's strange that after three years of having a safe […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Bath Spa University"

updates, updated. been extra busy since last post. mostly organising. it seems like the end of this term comes down to pure organisation. organising shows (have helped put on 2 recently), applying for things post-graduation, designing and printing postcards for […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Leeds College Of Art"

A definite sense of low level panic pervades the studios. We are all being very critical of our work and worrying about deadlines. With the wax still melting, the paint still wet… Will we be ready in time?

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Summer OS invite

Summer OS invite

Artists@Redlees, 'Summer OS invite', jpg, n/a. Photo: n/a. Courtesy: Siglint Kessler. Open Studios invitation
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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "other/other/other"

Dot Howard, Michael Ridge and I performed ‘Longwinded in Five Parts’ at the SPILL Festival National Platform (National Theatre Studios) on 18th April 2009. Here’s a review by Eleanor Hadley Kershaw (

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