There’s been a bit of a gap as things have got even busier in the work up to the Open Studios next Wednesday(25th). Following the last post there has been some progress, but not in all areas: I still feel […]
St. Patrick's day. Feeling pretty despondent. Had a frustrating couple of days. Kenny and now Dominic, who are helping me, are finding it difficult to make progress quickly. Although they seem to have spent some time trying to push on, […]
I have had an amazing day! We went to Aberystwyth today as a group for marketing and self-promotion. Catrin Webster is our lecturer for the elective, and as Aberystwyth is her home town she managed to organise a very packed […]
London’s Whitechapel Gallery reopens in April following a
Yesterday was bitterly cold- -24 and a wind-chill of -30!. Hoped to go for a run but it was far too cold and very overcast. We started off the day with studio visits, which were scheduled for the whole morning. […]
We're coming to the end of term two of our 2nd year and making preparations for our degree show at Byam Shaw, which will take place 29th June til 3rd July, on the first floor of Byam Shaw, main building, […]
I have just been having a conversation over email with another artist about paying to enter things. I my head I have a very clear rule about this: I don't do it. On reflection I thought that there are some […]
Yesterday I laid out all the unwanted items I had collected from various friends and colleagues to see how many I'd got and how much more I would need to fill a room. The short answer was: 25; lots more. […]
Apologies, I’ve got really behind with this. I’ll have to update this in a few posts if I don’t want to leave anything out. (will add pics later). Now we have our studios, things have started to get busy. Wednesday […]
There is lots of catching up and I need to get on track. We currently have a photography exhibition by Jess Calke, an HMS artist. She knows the ropes in relation to showing in the exhibition space, which is good […]
Last night we were also finally given our studio keys, so I’ve been able to check it out today. Unfortunately, I’ve been given one of the smaller office-like studios (see pic), which is a shame as it’ll mean that if […]
ARTISTS ANNOUNCED FOR TEMPORARY ART SHOW (part 3) Milk, Two Sugars "In a world of increasing mediocrity and as an antidote to the culture of manufactured individuality we offer the world the only viable alternative, "Milk, Two Sugars". Milk, Two […]
Mum died peacefully at home on Monday. I have to borrow words to say how I feel, but nothing articulates how much it hurts. She was a devoted mum and grandmother and I already miss her. Since she was diagnosed […]
An overview of the types of private and public galleries and organisations that constitute the UK’s art world. Examples demonstrate what drives them, as well as the imperatives of some of the artists who exhibit and develop work for them.
I’m sure I repeat myself every time I go away.When I get home I will:• prioritise making art• go to studio more• just make and not think so much• go to more openings• speak to galleries /curators What happens in […]
Selected reports on both current and upcoming residency programmes in the UK and beyond.
Fu Uxiang’s uses ink on canvas and his works touch on the history of Chinese painting, buddhism, dream and reality and Chinese philosophy. His work questions life and the fate of life. Zhengli uses acrylic on canvas and his works […]
Paulette Terry Brien reveals how a number of national public-funded galleries and organisations have expanded notions of exhibition programming beyond pristine white-walled gallery spaces, and are commissioning artists to make new and challenging work within the institution, as well as off-site.
cont. from previous post.. Just for starters, here are some facts to make you think a little. I also want to add in this from the Scottish Artists Union website: "Statistically, visual artists remain at the bottom of the income […]
Well things are coming together. It seems an age now since this all started and now we are about to have our first exhibition. This first exhibition is a preview for the open studios and will be up in the […]