THE PIECE HALL Originally the smaller Cloth Hall, The Piece Hall was opened on 1st January 1779 as a place for hand loom weavers to sell their pieces of cloth. Halifax is a wool town and a variety of the […]
Bill Jackson, 'The Night Dress', Photograph, 2008. Courtesy: Bill Jackson. From a Night in Provence. One of four night photographs by Bill Jackson in the invited opening exhibition at Outline Studios in Leamington Spa
And so it seems that I only feel inspired to write this blog as a form of…I hesitate to use the word therapy here…avoiding the bitter cold of my studios isolates negative thoughts towards art that human contact dispels. I've […]
Welcome to the beginning of what will be a really exciting colloboration between artists from the UK and Iran. This project was born from an ACE funded international fellowship that was hosted by Makers Dozen Studios in Wolverhampton, back in […]
The first thing I have become aware of by starting this blog is my own pomposity, it must take a very vane artist indeed to hide behind a cloak of obscurity to write a less than trivial and utterly frivolous […]
How does a maker reach the market? Freelance consultant and Market Development Manager for Cockpit Arts Abigail Branagan highlights the key routes.
Cockpit Arts’ chief executive Vanessa Swann and business development manager Ellen O’Hara speak to Jane Watt about Cockpit’s unique incubator scheme for designer-makers in London.
My exhibiton has at the Dome in Buxton has been running since last Monday at it seems to be going really well. I have received some fantastic feedback and praise from people in the arts and total strangers who have […]
Thanks Rob for selecting my blog for 'bloggers choice'. It brightened me up at the end of a tiring week; I went to Scotland to give a talk at a conference for engage Scotland, in addition to all my open […]
I have finally finished my entry for Coldplay's Lost video competition. It is here: Even though I didn't have enough time to hand sketch each frame, it still took ages to rotoscope some additional video footage. I do not […]
HMS has been without a rudder for a few weeks. The Christmas show was cancelled but I have still gone ahead with the web advent calendar, showcasing an artist every day leading up to Christmas.
Profiling studios and facilities around the UK.
In November, AIR celebrated its two-year milestone and the launch of the Artists’ Insurance Policy (AIP) with a gathering for artists and the art world. Held in the Art Café at London’s Toynbee Studios, AIR Advisory Group member artist Mitra Memarzia presented her take on the value of collective action.
Preview of Open Studios at Batesmill tomorrow and things are not going to plan. I made a spontaneous decision (a rare and usually disastrous thing in my world) to take part – and now of course I'm doubting my wisdom! […]
The last week has been a busy one and illustrates just how much things alter week by week. One week I’m leading up to nothing and the next week I’m wondering how I will fit everything in! I am applying […]
I will be travelling with another artist Annie Whiles whom I met at Brazier’s International Artist’s workshop last year. Jacob Jari who is one of the co-ordinators of the workshop I also met at Brazier’s and whilst he was on […]
Independent curator Jeni Walwin looks at issues relating to selling work and examines a number of different ways that artists can engage with the art world on a commercial basis.
It seems like such a long time since winning the commissioned exhibition though only a few months in reality. time has moved on fairly slowly, thankfully, as I've only just managed to get the work done on time, and some […]
Thought I'd just put in a link to a little clip of the performance piece that I did for our Open Studios. Thanks to Iain for putting it together for me!! x