I recently met Clare MacFarlane, an artist who has recently graduated in Fine Art, at the ArtSite studios in Hereford. I was excited to learn about a project which Clare had done for her degree, called Pigeon Story. This seemed […]
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver
4 October 2008 – 11 January 2009
I also had the good fortune whilst I was in Paris to be staying in the delicious Montmartre Studios, live/work spaces for artists build by the city council in the thirties. More exciting. The building is on Rue Ordener, almost […]
Some current processes and areas of exploration: Making 1/6 scale model support structures based on shelving units as featured in Childrens TV programme Blue Peter over the years. Making painted work based on video colour bars with added collage elements […]
A round-up of some artists’ info sites beyond the UK that we rate.
Just snatching a few moments to say this will probably be the last entry for a while. I am pleased that HMS is established enough for me to take time out to deal with all the rubbish that is being […]
For an introduction to this post see introduction to entry 64. For a while I felt myself identifying very strongly with my femaleness in relation to the work. I got interested in thinking again about the work of the Austrian […]
Cow Lane Studios, 'James Walmsley'. Flyer
Recent months have seen changes to the artistic landscape in Nottingham, reflective of a wider shift occurring in the surrounding cultural environment. These changes demonstrate that Nottingham is an increasingly attractive base for artistic activity, with a rising retention of graduates leaving higher education as well as enticing artists from the region and further afield.
A new study has revealed that exports account for 30-40% of designer-makers’ business within Cockpit Arts, with France, Japan and US the main markets.
Organised by University of Westminster research fellow Clare Twomey to coincide with London Design Week, September’s one-day symposium Collaboration: Artist and Industry held at The Building Centre, London offered international and UK perspectives on artists in residence within the ceramics industry.
TUESDAY – TALK ABOUT THE WORK Last night was the Discussion Event organised this time in conjunction with Claremont Studios' Talk About The Work. We held it downstairs in the Pine Gallery in the dark. We had wine and Under […]
I was in the studio early this morning starting at 7am. I'm really glad that I sorted my space out at the weekend for the open studios, it meant that I could get on with some painting. Today was a […]
I moved stuff into my home studio last Friday with only 10 minutes to spare before the rest of Southwell artists arrived for drinks and nibbles. I've been working all hours cleaning, decorating, lugging, moving, staining, typing, drilling etc etc […]
Fantastic, I managed to get into the studio 3 days on the trot. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I was in early all 3 days but managed to get a good 5 hours each day. I've been working on a few […]
Last week was a bit of a slow one in terms of working on ideas. It was my four day week at the gallery doing ‘real’ work and even when I was at the studio it was getting ready for […]
Spent some of Thursday, Friday and today getting studios ready for our open studios event over the next two weekends 25 & 26 October and 1 & 2 November. I know what I want to show. It will be a […]
I have called my Ingeborg Bachmann piece I.B. I've just realised this also stands for Incommensurable Banner. The collective protest banner that I started off in the gallery is not working at all. I am considering ditching the whole endeavour. […]
Its the end of the first week of term. Finally. It's good to be back. 25 weeks until we start clearing out the studios for the degree show they keep telling us. 25 weeks. I'm not quite sure if I'm […]