Today’s post shows prints found on Flickr which if you are unaware is a huge photo database. It’s used by a lot of artists of many calibers. For example the first two prints on view are by people who don’t […]
Wysing Arts Centre, Bourn, Cambridgeshire
19 January 2008
I was excited, but also nervous yesterday about the Artelier presentation by Nick Kaplony at HMS. It’s like hosting a party and wondering if anyone is going to turn up… only worse because Nick was on his way from London […]
The Allotment show came down from the Town Hall on Wednesday. Most artists collected work but many chose to have it posted. Whilst this is an onorous job, the exhibition attracted artists from up and down the country where distance […]
Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin
16 January 16 February
and other shows in Ireland
To celebrate the launch of Artists talking, Jane Watt explores the development of Projects unedited, a-ns open space for artists blogs.
Tether Studios and Bromley House, Nottingham
5-25 November 2007
We installed the Allotment show in Long Eaton town hall on Friday. With help from Stella, Phil as well as Isabel from the Council we managed to sort it out relatively quickly (given the constraints of the space which is […]
18/01/08 In the morning I go shopping. I arrive back at the studio with: a towel, some paper and pencils, polystyrene balls (I accept now that I have a problem), a polar bear and a clear plastic box. I’m really […]
Critical attitudes on how art practice is dividing or uniting local, international and global practices has been alluded to since the beginnings of modernism; in 2008 these issues remain at the forefront of response to post-modern visual culture.
happy new year :) this is a picture from the DO YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU in the Terrace Studios&Gallery from 30th November till 16th December 2007. now i'm getting ready to take part in New Research Exhibition at the […]
In this the second feature exploring strategies and approaches to commissioning art in the public realm, the focus is on regeneration and renewal and the role of agencies and consultancies.
Goldfactory Project Space, Egerton Studios, Nottingham
21 October 2007
Further to a letter published in error in the December issue of a-n Magazine and our apology to Creative Foundation in the January issue, here Creative Foundation exercises its Right to Reply:
News of gallery developments, expansions and relocations.
As we welcome in 2008, we looked back into the a-n archive of editorials to explore contexts preceding and also asked some artists for their new years resolutions for the arts.
I’m here. I mean, I have been here for 3 months, and I feel settled now. It still feels quite bizarre, I can barely get my head around it. It’s been an ambition to come here for a long time, […]
I was going to let this blog die a natural death, but it seems HMS has generated a lot of interest. It’s not long since I returned from the studio providers conference at Spike Island, Bristol where I realised HMS […]
Ana Laura Lopez de la Torre has succeeded Isa Suarez as Southwarks artist in residence. The successful recipient of the Acmes second studio residency in Southwark, she is based at Galleria Studios, Peckham. Ana Laura, who talked about her practice […]
Lucinda Holmes talks to artist Susan Collis about her practice and her work in the exhibition Out of the Ordinary: Spectacular Craft at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
The end It is the end of Performa, the end of Writing Live, the end of Writers Hub and the end of our time in New York. The last Writer’s Hub meeting was yesterday, at the School of Visual Arts. […]
marketing: sent a lot of emails – the rest is up to terrace studios and gallery management to spread the word :) hivenetworks are advertising it in their news page too. here’s the postcard –> designed by ewen from terrace. […]
Standing Room, Harrington Mill Studios, Long Eaton, Derbyshire
26-28 October 2007
Many artists aspire to permanent studio space, whether self-initiated or rented through a specialist organisation. Here, we explore some current options for artists and makers with the focus not only on developments in London but also elsewhere in England, Wales and Ireland.
The Artist’s House, New York
3 November 2007