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Resource Guide

Establishing a studio group

This guide by Jonathan Waring covers the process of establishing a studio group: from having the initial idea, bringing together a likeminded group of artists and getting hold of a space, to running the studios effectively on a day-to-day basis.

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Holey Planet and Friends
Resource Profile

Amy Azelda Cooper

Jo Wilson explores the work of ceramicist and sculptor Amy Cooper, in particular her successful balance between business and creativity.

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The half Smile Test
Resource Profile

Lucy Panesar

Lucy Panesar’s college aspiration was to be a practising artist and part-time college lecturer, and a methodical approach to her career has made this a reality.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "205A Morning Lane"

big news – building will not be demolished till the end of 2008… i wonder if my installation helped make this defferal… in the mean time: Open End (open studios at Morning Lane) May 18th-20th, 2007Private View: Friday May 18th, […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "A 6-month residency in Berlin."

Postcard from Berlin 3: Last weekend I went to an opening at MEINBLAU This is a split-level gallery space in a complex that also houses 14 studios. The studio programme includes early career as well as established artists, international […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "do you know i love you"

proposal accepted by terrace – gallery in east london. i got the decemebr slot :) weeeheee. now, to get payed for this i will have to ask the arts council for match funding… that's scary – was rejected once… this […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Festial"

I read Jane Ponsford's last blog entry with recognition, as I too am enjoying keeping up with the progress of other projects – especially, as it happens, Jane's! I think our residencies have similar and dissimilar aspects that I'm finding […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "AirSpace Gallery"

As the AirSpace project is already one year old I feel like we should start with a little background information on the group and what they have achieved so far. It all started with two graduates from the BA Fine […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "205A Morning Lane"

just a quick one befote i shoot off to space studios to burn dvds for the installation. i'm being more and more nervous about everything and my back is not helping either. started fixing screens, stephen emmott, an old friend […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Clothes for Death"

This afternoon I decided to visit the artist in the former army barracks and find out more about his project (wrote a bit about him in the previous post). After a bit of searching through the former military base which […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "205A Morning Lane"

on insurance it is because i am going to borrow 10 projectors and dvd player and put them in artists' studios for a week and have a private view on 26th april, i decided i will insure the event – […]

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