Bucks Open Studios
3 Linden Lea -
June 11, 2016 -
June 26, 2016 -
South East England
As the search continues for a new home to house Rogue Artists’ Studios, Bob Dickinson visits a show of work by 11 of the building’s 100-plus artists and asks where next for artists in Manchester’s fast-changing city centre.
This week is an admin week. So this week I am pleased to have been offered membership of Plastic Propaganda, and so am preparing the documentation necessary for their website etc. I have an Open Studios coming up with […]
During the summer months of 2011 and 2012, Paul Winstanley travelled around Britain photographing the unpopulated studios of every degree-conferring art school in the country. Now translated into a series of paintings and prints, the work is currently on show at Alan Cristea Gallery in London.
An artist-led contemporary arts space in Preston city centre
Specific spaces/environments influence, to some degree, the way in which we work. It is therefore helpful to do something simple like a mental a SWOT analysis from time to time (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) on our working spaces. As […]
Crusader Mill in Manchester, the city-centre home of Rogue Studios for the last 15 years, has been sold to property developers.
Council rejects collaboration between Bold Tendencies and Second Home in favour of rival proposal from Pop Community Ltd.
Southwark Council in London has been presented with plans to convert a multi-storey car park into ultra-affordable studios for artists and creative entrepreneurs.
Hannah Corbett, a civil servant currently working as commissioner general and director for the UK at the Milan Expo 2015, has been appointed the new chief executive of the London-based studio provider and developer.
Writing in the London Evening Standard, London’s deputy mayor for education and culture has warned that the city is becoming too expensive for artists to live in.
I’m sitting here waiting for a call from the garage to see if my car has passed its MOT. (or not :( ) Sitting doing nothing basically, as I can’t really start anything in case I need to go out. […]