But is it art? It depends where you look
A reply to Bryan Appleyard’s article ‘But is it art? on Sunday 14th June 2015
A reply to Bryan Appleyard’s article ‘But is it art? on Sunday 14th June 2015
To ring the changes I hosted a visit from Sam Wingate in my studio last week. His first impressions were favorable, he liked the space and thought it would make a great screen printing studio, although I have no such […]
My blog has been quiet of late….life has been pretty hectic getting exhibition space prepped and ready to throw open the doors of college to the public. The exhibition space looked fantastic! I know I am biased (!) but I […]
Over the past five years our arts programme has predominantly been southern-centric, and we wanted to address this. Now that Supernormal is in its sixth year and successfully functioning as an organisation, we have been looking to expand our networks […]
This year’s UWE Bristol Fine Art and Art & Visual Culture degree show at Spike Island features work by 42 students. Rowan Lear reports on a provocative and irreverent exhibition.
This week’s selection includes sculptures and collages by Eileen Agar in Leeds, an Agnes Martin retrospective in London, and a film installation from Luke Fowler and Mark Fell in Glasgow.
As part of PEAK, a contemporary art initiative in the Black Mountains, Wales, Rebecca Spooner reports on a weekend exchange visit from studio artists based at Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridgeshire.
David Dale Gallery & Studios in Glasgow’s east end is celebrating five years of its internationally-focused exhibition programme with the show-in-progress, Finite Project Altered When Open. Chris Sharratt talks to founding co-director Max Slaven.
The best exhibitions I’ve been in over the last few years, are ones that have emerged sort of organically. You meet someone, work together and then suddenly a collaboration is born. This is how I’ve found myself preparing to exhibit […]
Just after my long ago last post, we had an “end of term” assessment. There has been a bit of a hiatus or lull in many things since then. Feedback was exceptionally late, also: Unfortunately, due to lack of space […]
New Visibility I’ve become newly visible in the university, wearing bright t-shirts that label me ‘artist-in-residence’. I chose this uniform for a couple of reasons: partly because the t-shirt is a good conversation starter with students and staff who […]
After my major triumph over the vagaries of technology, I’ve decided to stop whinging about things I can’t do and talk about things I can do. Shall devote this blog to my MA tasks. Currently I’m working on a power-point […]
Managed to get everything into the studios , with a little help from my friends, as i shouldn’t really be lifting and moving things now. Picked up my finished wallpaper from the technicians office and am now pretty much set […]
As part of my MA at UCS Ipswich, I’m hoping to organise and run an art class for adults. Here is the cover of the flyer which I designed through an online site. All this admin leaves little time for […]
For the past week the studios have been really busy, and I have managed in this time to paint my walls and the floor in my area. Extra work included painting the floor for Louise (another L6 student) as she is […]
Five exhibitions by a-n’s members – posted on our lively Events listings section – take us on a journey to Colliers Wood, Ipswich, Northallerton, Plymouth and Tottenham.
On Saturday my exhibition at R-Space Gallery in Lisburn will come to a close. Although I haven’t been able to be there myself, haven’t sold anything, and had to relinquish final control about the presentation of my work (of course I prepared as […]
After a busy few hours filling in holes in the wall, sanding and two fresh coats of white paint, my Degree Show space was ready. I was chuffed at having been given the corridor outside of the studios which is […]
I tend to speak from the heart and this blog is no exception. Excuse me if I go a bit Oscars acceptance speech on you, but I want to acknowledge the wonderful supportive network of artists I’ve encountered on […]
Cleared my work space out today, mixed feelings being up in the studios when all this is going on. I’m really excited but also getting emotional about the fact my time at uni is almost over. Think being highly hormonal […]
As HOME, Manchester’s new space for art, theatre and cinema, fully opens to the public, Bob Dickinson looks at its place in the city’s arts ecology, the significance of its cross-disciplinary approach to commissioning, and where it sits in the city’s wider regeneration plans and the creation of a ‘northern powerhouse’.
Bergen Kunsthall’s director, Martin Clark, will be returning to his student roots to curate the 2016 edition of the international contemporary art exhibition, Art Sheffield.