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Blog Post


Following the Ullapool residency I began making woodcuts- the prototypes for this project. I tried naively to create multiple colour layers that each needed registration, and I cut holes through the blocks that helped (slightly) to align each layer in […]

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News News feature

30 years of Castlefield Gallery: “People decided to club together and do something”

Manchester’s Castlefield Gallery is celebrating its 30-year history with a forward-looking exhibition featuring artists who are ‘shaping the future of contemporary art’. Liz West, an artist based in the city, speaks to the gallery’s director and to fellow Manchester artists, about the important role it plays in the area’s art ecology.

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Blog Post

Art in Shanghai

Today I saw some art, which I think was really needed, as the overall overload of information yesterday made me doubt how I could make that translate into Art, but seeing Art always provides inspiration.  I first went to 50 […]

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News News story

Buy art at Christmas: 10 artists’ prints, t-shirts and other presents

Looking for Christmas present ideas, want to support artists and/or organisations that promote contemporary art? There are loads of opportunities to buy unusual or limited edition works online, while also putting some much-needed money back into the visual arts ecology. Here’s 10 ideas to start you off.

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Blog Post

Books I draw from

What I’ve found great in books and films recently along with all-time favourites.   The books I’m absorbed and getting a lot out of now are:   Sanctuary; Britains artists and their studios edited by Hossein Amirsadeghi – a great […]

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Blog Post

Birmingham Contemporary Art visit

Birmingham Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th of October I had 2 days to wander round Birmingham and embrace the art scene. Although I managed to wander around quite well, I have learnt, never visit on a Monday as a lot […]

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Blog Post

The Sea

It’s open studios at my Yorkshire Artspace studio building this weekend (Exchange Place, Sheffield), and I have a pop-up exhibition called The Sea.   The sea is a subject which I keep coming back to. It fascinates me because it […]

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Blog Post


Procrastination, procrastination. I have decided the best way forward is to go properly public with this project. As a piece that theoretically has no end, it is in danger of having no beginning, so my plan is to put it […]

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Blog Post

Settling in… sort of

I have done so much and have a lot to say since I last blogged but I have not had any time free to do any writing.  My internet was not working this morning as well but Mr Zu Computer […]

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Blog Post

A busy Second Month at Airspace Gallery

I have now spent just over two months here in Stoke-On-Trent as part of my Graduate Residency.  And again my weeks have been filled with exciting activities along side my own developments in the studio. Here is what I have […]

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News News story

ZAP Open 2014 artists announced

Zeitgeist Arts Projects have named the 23 strong list of artists who will participate in the organisation’s annual open submission exhibition this November.

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Blog Post

Day 7 – Kurt Schwitters Merz Barn Residency

On the last day on my residency at the Merz Barn in Cumbia it was time to reflect on my thoughts over the duration of the week. As I mentioned in a previous post, I had stapled a huge sheet […]

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